Hannah Montana

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I rush out of the quick shower and head to my room, clinging on to my towel. The power went out overnight due to a storm, causing me to oversleep and nearly miss the bus for school. I clammer around my dark room for something to wear, grabbing the first pair of underwear and bra I feel in the draw, as well as a top and jeans from my closet. I opt into wearing sandals since it's quick and easier and run outside just as the bus was arriving at my stop.

It's not long before the bus pulls in front of my middle school and I step off the bus. I look down at my outfit. Guess I didn't do too bad for literally getting dressed in the dark. I adjust my backpack over my shoulder and head into the building.

I see my friend Kenzie standing at her locker, blue sliver showing over her jeans.

Most kids in our grade know me as a bit of a tomboy, and most of my close friends gave me the tag line "wedgie girl" because of my love for giving wedgies. Ever since first grade I've been giving wedgies to boys and girls alike. Sometimes it would be me getting my undies yanked up my own butt, but any opportunity I'd get, I'd be the one with undies in my hand.

I sneak up behind Kenzie and slip my fingers between her panties and yank them high, giving her a warm hello. She screams out and quickly turns her head around. "Kelly! Stop!"

I laugh and give another hard tug of her blue panties before letting go, noticing a few seeking eyes, mostly boys, getting a good view of the wedgie she just got. She sighs loudly turning her back to her locker to fix her panties. "Good morning Kenzie!" I tell her finally.

She rolls her eyes. "Good morning I guess. Your hair is messy, are you okay?"

"Yeah, the storm knocked out our power and I woke up late, had to rush and get ready in the dark." I say, opening my locker next to hers to pull my hairbrush out and start brushing my wet hair.

"Oh no! I hope it comes on soon!"

"Yeah me too. Can I borrow some eyeliner?"

She scoffs. "After what you just did to me?"

"Come on please? I'm having a rough morning and just wanted to have fun, and I don't feel good about myself without makeup."

She rolls her eyes and smirks a little as she hands me her eyeliner.

"Thank you bestie!" I take the eyeliner and apply it in the mirror.

"You're welcome. But you know you didn't have to give me such a huge wedgie." She says softly.

"Well it was funny! Can't take it back now!" I hand her makeup back and he head off to our classes.


The rest of the school days continues as usual. I walk out of the school at the end of the day and start heading towards the bus area, when I feel a pair of clammy hands fly down into my jeans like a hawk. Then I feel my underwear shoot up my butt.

Remember earlier I said I grabbed the first pair of underwear I felt? Well it wasn't until I turned around to see who's wedging me when I realized I was wearing a bright pink pair of Hannah Montana panties with black trim.

I blush as red as a tomato seeing Kenzie at the other end of my panties. "Haha Hannah Montana?! Are you 6 years old?" She laughs as she pulls my panties harder.

A couple of kids around us see and stop to laugh at my expense. I feel super embarrassed at my kiddy undies being pulled out of my pants and try to pry her hands off. "Ow! Okay you got your payback now stop!"

She laughs more as she gives a final hard tug and a smack on my butt. "Payback bitch, now we're even."

I shove my hands down my pants to fix my undies and pout. "Hmm. Next time I catch you in embarrassing panties I'm ripping them over your head!"

"Hmm we'll see about that haha." she runs off to catch her bus as I do the same. I'll need to be more careful about what panties I wear from now on. And maybe I should ask mom for a belt.

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