Fun at Work

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Max was finishing helping a customer at the meat counter. It has been a moderately busy day at the grocery store he worked at, and he wasn't sure when he'd be able to sneak a break in. He didn't usually take a break anyway, which being short staff he was used to. So he was expecting to push through another long shift.

Before too long, he sees a petite girl with long curly blonde hair walking up to the counter. He greeted his coworker and friend Alison with a smile. "What's up Allie? Need some chicken or something?"

She giggled. "No! Actually just came to see if you wanted to go on break?"

"Break?" He looks around and don't see any customers around, and his other 2 coworkers were on their phone in the corner so he had some time. "Sure! Let's go!"

He walks around the counter and follows behind Allie. She was wearing her blue uniform shirt with black skinny jeans. Our dress code is usually black dress pants. She probably gets away with it as long as they're black pants. Max wasn't going to complain. He enjoyed the view as he followed her to the break room.

They walk upstairs to the break room and see a box sitting on one of the tables.

"Oo! Free donuts!" Allie says walking up and leaning over slightly to raid the donuts that were left there.

Max stands behind her, and looks down to notice a sliver of pink fabric peeking out from her skinny jeans. Nice. He things to himself. It always brightens up his day to see some panties, even if it is just a little peek at the waistband. Allie was a bit of a tomboy, so he wouldn't have expected to see such bright girly panties on her.

He looks around the room to see if anyone was around or on their way to the break room, as he starts to get a sneaky idea.

The coast was clear. He turned back to Allie and quickly shot his hand down to her belt line. And she took a bite into a donut, she feels his warm hands touch her lower back, then her underwear fly up her butt.

"Ow! Hey!" She exclaimed as she tries to reach back and stop her undies from going any higher. But it's too late as the pink fabric is lodged firmly up her bottom.

Max laughs as he gives another hard tug before letting go. She turns and tries to give him an angry look, trying not to smirk. "What was that for asshole?!"

"Haha. I'm sorry, your panties were just begging to be pulled!" Max said.

Allie grunted and walked to the bathroom to fix her panties.


Later on during their shift, Max went to the back of the store to look for cleaning supplies. He gets to the supply closet and sees Allie is there too for the same reason. "Whatcha doing Allie?"

She turns and smiles at Max. "I'm trying to get some paper towels for the front counter. But they always put them on the damn top shelf!" She says, struggling to stand on her tippy toes to reach the paper towels.

As she's reaching, her shirt lifts up, showing a bit of her buttcrack and her pink waistband again. Looks like she didn't fix her undies good enough the first time.

"Here. Let me help you." Max said. Instead of grabbing the paper towels for her, he instead grabs her panties with 2 hands and yanks her up off the ground.

"Ow ow! Fuck! Max!" She screams out as she's lifted off her feet.

Max laughs. "I'm helping you! Grab the paper towels!"

She winces in pain, but grabs the paper towels. "Okay let me down let me down!"

Max laughs as he bounces her a few times before finally letting her go.

She gives Max a mean death glare before she stomps away, shoving her hand down the back of her jeans to fix her panties.

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