Locker Room Bully

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I follow the rest of my basketball team to the locker room at the end of practice. We ran some pretty hard drills tonight and I was ready to just pack up and go home.

I'm a freshman, the only one on the team. But I was right about the same height as the other girls on the team, around that 5'10 area. Except for one junior who had a much better growth spurt than the rest of us.

Claire, standing 6'3. She felt like since she was bigger than us, that she was the leader of the team. She isn't that good of a player, but she likes to boss us around and bully us from time to time.

I'm checking my phone that was left in my locker during practice when I hear a screeching girl nearby. I look over and see one of my teammates being lifted of the floor by Claire by her pink panties.

"Wow! Cute panties Becky! Ahahaha" Claire laughed out. I roll my eyes. It's a common occurrence to see someone getting a wedgie from Claire. It's all part of her bullying routine. Claire looks over at me right as I roll my eyes. "What? You got a problem Brooke?"

My eyes get wide. "N-no I-" Before I can protest, she drops Becky and charges me and pins me to the lockers. I feel her hand shoot down into my shorts. Oh fuck. This is my first time being wedgied. I think to myself. Not knowing what to expect, I brace myself as I feel my black panties shoot up my back.

I wince and yell out in pain. "Ooww!! Claire cut it out!"

She laughs. "Why? You haven't been victim of my wedgie magic yet! Hahah!" She pulls my panties harder.

I whine at the feeling of cotton being flossed up my butt and privates. I only here a giggle or two from the other girls, most try to stay quiet to not be the next victim of this torture. Though it was still embarrassing being caught like this.

She gives me another hard pull that lifts me off of my toes from the ground. I can hear the elastic of my underwear snap and I start to grow the fear of them giving out and ripping. That's going to be hard to explain to my mom.

Claire lands a hard smack on my left buttcheek that makes a loud "AH!" Escape from my mouth before she lets go of my underwear. I drop down to my knees and rub my butt.

I hear Claire step away and the scream of another girl being wedgied. I look over at Chelsea's pink thong being yanked and bounced. "And a cute little thong on Chelsea!! A permanent wedgie I get the privilege to make even worse!" Claire pulls down Chelsea's shorts with her free hand, showing how little protection her thong was providing, especially stretched halfway up her back. She gives her a few hard smacks on her butt that make her cry out.

I stand up, shoving my hands down the back of my shorts to fix my panties. I hiss as I pick the fabric out of my crack and smooth them out across my bottom.

Claire let's Chelsea go and stands looking for her next victim. She immediately grabs my best friend Lacey and pins her to the lockers the same way she did to me. She grabs her white panties and yanks on them hard.

"Haha look at these dorky white panties! Can't believe I allow dorks to me on my team!" She teases Lacey.

I have white panties at home.... Does that make me a dork? I try to shake off that thought as angry builds up in me. I'm tired of seeing Claire bully my team, especially my best friend. I decide since no one else will, I will take action.

I run up behind Claire, grabbing her basketball shorts and dragging them to the floor.

"What the fuck?!" She let's go of Lacey when she feels her shorts drop. Right as she lets go, I shove her to the ground and she falls, bottom up. Everyone laughs as her light blue panties with pink hearts are exposed to everyone and her shorts are around her ankles.

I stand over her and grab her underwear with both hands, and with all my strength yank them up hard.

"Aahhhh!! Stop!!!" Claire cries out at the super wedgie. She falls limp on the ground, but her butt is lifted into the air by the wedgie. I begin to bounce her as all the girls begin to laugh and start poking fun.

I put my foot on her back and get a firm grip on her undies. I then yank hard, hearing rapid snaps on elastic go off before I hear the satisfying rip of her panties. A massive hole rips down the middle of her panties, but I pull harder and harder until the waistband rips off and she falls to the floor.

Claire gets off the floor and looks at me with a flaming inferno in her eyes, before looking around at everyone laughing and pointing at her exposed butt. Her eyes quickly turn red holding back tears as she yanks her shorts back up and grabs her bag. "Shut up! You're all mean!" She runs off to the bathroom and slams the door shut.

I hold up the blue waistband, with shredded blue and pink fabric in the air in victory as all of my team cheers for me. Lacey comes and gives me a big hug, followed by other girls to swarm me with hugs and praise.

It felt so good, going from the freshman who just got pinned and wedgied by the biggest girl on the team, to completely dominating that same girl and shredding her panties as payback. I smile big, still holding up my trophy while joking with the girls.

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