Laundry Day

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16 year old Samantha was sitting on the couch in her basement, watching her 12 year old brother, 11 year old boy cousin, and 9 year old girl cousin play. She's on her phone, not really paying much attention to them playing around.

As she's distracted, the 2 boys, David and Kyle team up on the youngest girl, Kayla. Sam's brother holds her arms as David reaches into her jean shorts.

"No! No wedgies David! Please!"

The boys giggle as David tugs her pink panties up hard. "Yes wedgies! I am the wedgie master ahaha!"

This grabs the attention of Samantha and she looks over. "Who's the wedgie master? Hey! Let her go!" She says as she notices her cousin being bullied. She gets up and pries David's hands off her panties.

"Oh come on! She's a big dork, and the wedgie master has work to do!" David says laughing.

Sam rolls her eyes. "Don't call your sister a dork! And we all know I'm the wedgie master here! Ok?"

"What?!" Both David and Kyle say.

"Yeah! Here let me give you a taste!" Sam grabs David by his wrist and spins him around, digging into his jeans.

"Wait wait no! You can't wedgie me! You're a girl!"

"What's that got to do with anything?!" Sam was going to go easy on him, but grabs his blue Hanes briefs and yanked them as hard as she could.

"Ow! No faaaiiirr!!" David exclaimed as his underwear was yanked on.

Kyle laughs hysterically. Sam turns and looks at him. "Oh? You want your turn now?"

His eyes get wide as he tries to back away. But before he could, Sam let's go of David and grabs ahold of Kyle. "Why don't you tell your cousins how much I wedgie you?"

Kyle grunts. "What? I don't know what you're talking about. You're the nerd here!"

Sam rolls her eyes and dig into his shorts. "Wrong answer dork!" She grabs his black boxer briefs and pulls as hard as she can. They're not as wedgie-able as briefs are, but this doesn't stop her from yanking and his yelling.

"Ow ow! Sammi stop!" Both wedgies start giggling as she lets go of him.

"There! Now you know who the real wedgie master is!" Sam says, pretending to flex her muscles before picking her phone back up.

Undies still stretched over his shorts, Kyle gives David a mischievous look, and they both nod in agreement.

They both tackle down Sam and hold her to the floor. "Hey! What are you two doing! Stop!" She kicks and wiggles, trying to break free. She then feels 4 cold hands creeping into her volleyball shorts. "Don't you fucking dare! Stop!"

It was laundry day for Samantha. All of her normal underwear she liked to wear were in the washer, so she had to dig into her back up underwear she keeps in the back of the dresser. Normally she doesn't think twice about what she puts on or keeps on hand. But normally, her brother and cousin aren't pinning her down and shoving their hands into her pants.

The boys grip onto her underwear and count out. "1....2.....3!!" And they both yank up hard, revealing the panda face stretched across her white briefs shooting up her butt.

Sam yells out "ow! Stop it now!" She buries her face in embarrassment. Why? Why today of all days? I couldn't worn literally any other pair of underwear today!

Both boys laugh, and Kayla giggles along. "Sammi! Your panties are cuter than mine!"

Sam grunts. "Stay out of this! I helped you!" She whines as her panties keep getting pulled harder and harder, reaching the back of her neck.

She manages to roll over and pin the other boys down under here and they start crying for help. "It's payback time now!"

She reaches into both of their pants, pulling their underwear at the same time. They holler out as they're wedgied, Kayla still giggling like wild, her panties still bunched over her jeans.

After giving a few hard tugs to their boy undies, she lets go and starts smacking both of their butts. They holler out as they are spanked. "Ow ow! Stop! Ow! Uncle! Ouch! This isn't fair!"

She spanks them a little longer before finally getting up. "Now apologize to me and Kayla!"

They get up. "We're sorry!"

"Now call me the wedgie master!"

"You're the wedgie master Sammi!" They say in unison, running off into the corner to lower their pants and see if their butts got red and to fix their underwear.

Samantha looks at Kayla, still giggling like crazy. "Hey! Don't think you're off the hook! You made fun of me!" Samantha tells her.

Kayla's eyes get wide. "Wait, no! I'm sorry!"

Before she can escape, Sam grabs her, pulling her already exposed pink panties and laughing playfully. She holds her wedgie up as she gives her playful spankings.

Kayla screams out at the initial wedgie, but keeps giggling at her getting spanked. "Heheh stop! Sammi!"

Samantha let's her go and gives her a hug. "There we go! We're even Steven now!"

While the boys are still hiding away, Sam lowers her shorts to fix her panties back over her butt, stretched 2 sizes bigger, and pulls her shorts back up.

She helps Kayla with her wedgie, unbuttoning her pants and lowering them slightly so she can pick her own wedgie. "But really Sam! Your panties are cute!"

Samantha blushes, but takes the cute compliment from the 9 year old without argument. "Thanks girly. I'm only wearing these because all my more 'adult' undies are in the washer."

"Adult undies? Like thongs?"

Sam raises her eyebrow. "Where'd you hear about thongs?"

"Mommy wears them!"

"Haha, well Sammi doesn't like to wear thongs."

"Then what do you wear?"

"Well, still wear panties. But less girly and more lacey"

David and Kyle come back around and Kyle laughs. "Still dorky panties!"

Sam looks at him. "You wanna go again, dork?"

He's shook "n-no ma'am!"

Sam laughs and adjusts Kayla's pants. They return back to playing.

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