Charlotte part 1

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Hera's pov~~~~~

I woke up early morning hearing jasper's agonising shouts from the drop ship, I got up from my tent and walked around. As I was passing by a tree I heard small screams from a little girl.

"Woah woah woah, hey it's okay it's just a dream" I spoke slowly.

"I'm sorry" the small girl said as she woke up instantly.

"what's your name huh?" I asked.

"Ch-charlotte" she replied shyly.

"Hey Charlotte nice to meet you, I'm Hera" I told her softly.

Charlotte was the youngest here, she was only 12 while the rest of us were 16 to 18. 23 if you count Bellamy.

"So tell me, do these dreams happen often?" I wondered.

"It's my parents. Every time I close my eyes I still see Jaha floating them" she whimpered as she looked up at the sky.

"I know what that's like, but you don't gotta be scared okay? Down here you can start over" i said softly.

I felt bad for her, she was only so young. "How'd you end up here anyways?" I asked her still looking at the sky.

"They said I apparently assaulted a guard after my parents were taken away" she explained to me.

"I'm sorry honey" I whispered to her.

After we talked I went into mine and Octavia's tent. I hadn't got the chance to go through the bag Poseidon gave me.

As I unzipped the bag the first thing I saw was a note and a necklace.

Dear Hera,
i don't know what the ground will bring but I really hope you're safe. I love you. Remember do not tell anyone about us, I'll be floated if the council finds out. And if I find out you've fibbed I will hurt you Hera.
Love Poseidon.

I know shouldn't be with him but I loved him. Even if he scared the shit outta me. I looked at the necklace the had fell from the note.

 I put it around my neck and smiled

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I put it around my neck and smiled. I kept digging through the bag. I found some extra bullets and a knife, it was probably meant for Octavia. At the very bottom was his guard jacket. I took a deep breath and could smell his cologne, I knew it would last very long though.


Another day went by and jasper was still in pain. I went into the drop ship to check on him.

"How's he doing doc?" I asked Clarke.

"His wound is infected, I need to cut away the flesh. Hold him down" she explained.

"I'm not gonna like this am I?" Monty asked us.

Jasper immediately started screaming and Soon Octavia and Bellamy came into the drop ship as his cries where heard all through out camp.

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