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Hera's pov ~~~~

I was still trapped underneath all the rubble, rocks and more pavement slabs moved when Abby tried to get to Kane and now I was being squished between the ground and a heavy slab.

"Abby?!" I yelled out.

"Abby are you okay?!" I added.

"Hera! I-I'm okay, just a little stuck!" Abby replied back.

"Are you hurt?" I asked.

"No, Im okay. I can't get out though" she told me.

"Is Kane okay?" I asked her again.

"I don't know" she said.

"I'm alright! Just trapped!" Kane suddenly yelled.

"Oh my god Kane" I sighed.

"I'm gonna get out, no one move" Abby told us.

Some time went by and Abby made it out alive and not harmed. she went to get Kane free but it was no use, he was injured.

"I can't get him out" Abby whispered to me.

"And you can't get me out either" I stated.

For a moment there was silence then I head Octavia's voice.

"Hera!?" She called my name.

"Octavia over here" I told her.

She bent down to my side and held Abby push the hugged slab off of me.

"Thank god you're still alive" Octavia sighed.

"My legs stuck, you need to help Abby get Kane out first" I explained.

"No we need you out-" she tried saying.

"Octavia, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere" I said softly.

"Just hold on okay?" She replied.

"Jackson you help Hera get out" Abby added.

Jackson nodded and came over to me with a med kit in his hand. The beam was still stuck inside my leg, and by this point my shock was gone and I could feel everything.

"You're gonna just fine Hera, okay?" Jackson told me.

"Okay" I said softly.

Jackson the proceeded to gently take the slabs off me, one at a time. I felt the weight on my body get lighter and lighter as he continued.

"Alright Hera you need to listen to me okay? You can not move, I need you to stay till you hear me?" He asked.

"This is gonna hurt isn't it?" I sighed.

"Don't think about the negatives just relax" he replied.

He slowly but carefully took the beam out of my leg, and the whole time I was crying and yelling out in pain.

"Nearly there, you're doing great" Jackson said.

"And...done" he added quickly wrapping my leg up.

"Thank you" I sniffed.


Soon after, Octavia and Jackson helped me out from under all the debris and rubble, and as they were carrying me out, Lincoln suddenly returned with Clarke and Lexa.

I watched as he and Octavia reunited with each other, it was cute, it also made me think of what Bellamy was doing.

"Thank god you're okay" Lincoln stated.

"You too" Octavia replied hugging him.

"What happened?" Clarke asked me bending down.

"One minute I was with Kane and the next I wasn't. The bombing hit pretty hard on the village" I told her.

"You're gonna be okay" she said softly.

Lexa then started to give a rousing speech about making the Mountain fall and avenging the dead.

"There are still others who need saving! Get back to work!" Abby interrupted.

"What happens now?" I asked Clarke again.

"You'll go back to camp" She stated.

"What about you?" I added.

"Don't worry about me. I'll stay with Lexa" she said.

Indra was trying to convince Nyko that she could help but he said she's not ready to fight yet.

"I'm not missing out" Indra replied.

"You did well Octavia, get your gear because we are leaving with Lexa" she added.

As Lincoln also turns to leave, Indra stops him and held out her arm to him. I watched as they shook hands right before she pulled him in for an embrace.

"Thanks O" I said softly.

"You gonna be okay all by yourself?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I'll be okay. Go with Lexa" I told her.

Clarke then walked up to Octavia and they started talking.

"I thought you were dead. I'm glad you're not" Octavia smiled.

"You too" Clarke replied.

"You need to go back to Camp Jaha with the wounded. I'll be marching on Mount Weather because the sniper wasn't wearing a hazmat suit" Clarke explained to her mother.

"which means they're killing the Delinquents" I sighed.

"I need you to do something for me, don't forget that we're the good guys" Abby told her.

"You sound just like Monty" I said.

We watched as Clarke and Lexa were leaving for Mount Weather with Octavia, Lincoln, Indra, and the rest of their army.

While me went back to camp with the injured, like Clarke said.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been sick and super busy you guys.

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