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Hera's pov ~~~~

Both Octavia and I waited for Indra and the rest of the grounders to bring back food for the people of Camp Jaha,

Soon they all came back with enough food for everyone.

Kane was talking to Fio, the grounder that Octavia and I had sparred with earlier. I didn't know what they were saying but Fio came over with two plates of food. One for me and one for Octavia.

"Thanks" I said as he handed a plate to me.

"Even the boar put up a better fight then you" Fio told Octavia.

"Damn O" I laughed.

Kane then walked over and started talking to us.

"Look out for your people" Kane told us.

"We are" I replied back.

The next morning Indra wanted me and Octavia to look for the mountain men that escaped. After a while I found Emerson running, I ran after him and took him down tearing his radiation suit.

"Finish it" Indra told me.

Just as I was about to end his life Clarke rode up on a horse and stopped me.

"Stop! We need to keep him alive!" Clarke yelled out.

"We need to check for a patch kit for his suit"she added.

Octavia then walked over and started to dig through Emerson's bags and finds a picture of Clarke and Lexa on horseback.

"Hera come here" Octavia told me.

I walked over to check it out.

"They were the intended targets" I said softly.

"Go warn Lexa of the attempted assassination" Indra spat to one of the riders with us.

After that we all went back to camp while others went off to warn Lexa.


As we entered camp Jaha again we immediately called over Abby. A grounder was shot in the attempted killing of Clarke and Lexa.

I went off with Jackson and Clarke to help calm down Emerson, while Abby was trying to help the Grounder who was shot.

"I can hook up scrubbers to the airlock to make it safe to take off Emerson's protective outerwear" Raven stated.

"That's great, let's do that" Clarke told her.

"Nice quick thinking" I smiled at Raven.

"I'm gonna go check up on the grounder" I said leaving the air lock. Unfortunately when I arrived the Grounder had ended up dying.

I walked up to him and bent down.

"Yu gonplei ste odon" I said softly.
(Your fight is over)

I turned back to Indra and she just looked at me.

"Where did you learn that?" she asked me.

"Anya taught me, before she passed" I whispered.

Indra then walked over to the dead grounder and she repeated the same words then cut a braid out of her hair.

"You'd become a great warrior you know Hera" Indra told me.

"Thank you" I replied.

Indra went to walk out of medical but before she left I stopped her.

"I've mad up my mind" I stated.

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