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Bellamy's pov ~~~~~

I ran all the way back to camp with the hopes the Hera was okay, all I could think about was what could've happened while I was gone.

As the camp gates opened I sprinted straight to my room where I had left Hera thinking she would be safe.

"Hera?! Im back-" as I walked into my room there was a pool of blood right beside my bed.

"oh my god" i whispered to myself as my eye widened at the sight in front of me.

I slowly took a step closer, there was so much blood on the floor. The wall and the bed too.

"Bellamy" a voice said behind me.

Immediately I turned around to see Raven standing at my door. Her eyes were red and she looked tired.

"Please tell me this blood it's who's I think it is" I told raven pointing at the floor behind me.

"I am so sorry Bellamy" she cried trying not to look at me.

"W-what...what happened??" I started to panic. A million thoughts were now running through my brain.

"She was shot" she replied.

My heart was racing by this point. Fear and anger building up inside me.

"Where is she?" I spat at raven.

"We should talk" she sighed softly stepping closer to me.

"Raven where is she?!" I practically screamed.

I knew Hera wasn't dead. She couldn't be. She was stronger then that.

"Come with me" she replied again.


Raven walked me to medical where I was Hera laying in a bed. She was asleep and had bandages wrapping around her stomach.

"I let this happen" I cried walking towards Hera.

"Bellamy this isn't your fault" raven told me.

I sat down in a chair next to her bed. I wanted to hug her or hold her hand but I was scared I would hurt her, again.

"I wasn't there to protect her raven" tears fell down my face.

"No one could've stopped this Bellamy, it was going to happen at some point" Raven explained.

I was confused. What was she talking about?

"What are you saying?" I asked her.

"Bellamy, Poseidon wanted Hera dead no matter what. With any chance Hera was alone he will take it and would've killed her" Raven said softly.

"I'm gonna kill him" I spat.

"Don't" a small voice said.

I turned my head back to Hera to see she was looking up at me. Her bright green eyes were so beautiful.

"He's not worth it bell" she told me softly.

I hugged her tight with no hesitation.

"I shouldn't of left you princess, this is all my fault" I explained holding her hand.

"No it's not. I'm okay Bellamy, it's okay" Hera whispered.

Her voice was soft and gentle. Then I remembered the blood in my room, she had lost so much.

"Thank you raven. For saving my life" she added.

"Your welcome H" raven smiled.

"I would've been dead on the bedroom floor if you didn't find me" Hera started to cry.

Thief - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now