I need you

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Bellamy's pov ~~~~~

When I heard those four words I couldn't breath, my heart broke for Hera knowing she could die.

"He knew this whole time Finn and Hera wee going to die no matter what we did!" She yelled.

"Here, vials" I said sorting through them on the ground.

"You would be stupid to have poison for this long and not have an antidote" Clarke spat.

We didn't know which one was correct or not, they all looked the same to us. The only one who knew was the grounder and there was no way he was going to just tell us.

"Which one! Which one is it!" Clarke pleaded.

"Come on those are my friends down there dying because of you!!" I spat.

I hit him repeatedly again and again. He wasn't answering us not even blinking to give us an answer.

"Clarke Hera's not breathing!" I heard raven yell.

I tried to run down to help her and Clarke told me to stay here.

"She breathing again with some cpr but next time she might not!" Raven added.

"Which one is it!" I asked again.

I picked up a part of the drop and turned to Clarke.

"You don't have to be here for this Clarke" I told her.

"Do it" she replied.

I stabbed the piece of metal all the way threw the grounders hand. He screamed in pain as we all watched.

"Please stop!! He saved me!" Octavia yelled.

I whipped the grounder with a seatbelt yet he still didn't talk.


Hera's pov ~~~~~~

The knife was still in me, I wanted it out but I was so exhausted. Raven said I stopped breathing for a second but she helped.

She then started shouting again. Her voice rang through my ears like a gunshot.

"Clarke she can't last any longer" raven yelled.

"Raven?" I said coughing blood.

"Oh shit" she cried. "Clarke! Hera's coughing blood! What do I do?!" She screamed.

I soon stopped and Raven then ran up the ladder to the third level. All I remember was raven screaming and crying.

"They're all I have!!" I heard raven scream.

Suddenly I heard an unfamiliar yell of pain. What it the grounder yelling??

"Octavia!" Bellamy yelled.

Then Clarke came running down the ladder. She first gave the vial to Finn then me.

My eyes meet Bellamy's I smiled at him. His eyes widened at the sight of me shirtless. He then napped back into reality.

"What is that still doing in her!?" He yelled at Clarke.

"Bellamy" I whispered.

He immediately turned to face me grabbing my hand.

"What? What is it? W-what do you need?" He panicked.

"It's okay" i told him with a small smile.

"What? What are you talking about Hera?" He asked.

"Let me go Bellamy" i said softly.

"No. No! Clarke save her!" He yelled.

"Please, save her!" He begged. I watched as his eyes started to fill with tears.

Thief - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now