Won't let you go

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Hera's pov ~~~~~

I woke up to the sounds of shouting and yelling. I slowly opened my eyes and looked over to Finn, knife still lodged in his chest. Someone was holding his hand. She was brunette and had a familiar red jacket.

It was raven? But how, she was on the ark.

"Raven?!" I was shocked.

"Omg Hera!!" She hugged me tight trying to avoid hurting me anymore then I already was.

"You were the one in the pod" i said in disbelief.

"Yeah it was an old ship, the one In the restricted area on K deck" she told me as she nodded in response.

I let out a small laugh. I remember playing around with raven on Mecca station back on the ark.

I went to move so I could get up but immediately screamed in pain. I looked down to see a small knife still sticking out of me. I thought all of this was a dream.

"Hera don't move! Bellamy she awake!" Clarke yelled out for him. I watched as he ran to my side immediately.

"Hey, hey I'm here" he said softly looking over at me and then to Clarke.

"She's gonna be okay right?" Bellamy asked her. I could tell a million thoughts were running through his brain.

I watched as she didn't answer, my heart sank at the thought of dying. Finally on earth and now I'm gonna die.

"Right Clarke?" Bell added still waiting for a good answer to escape her lips.

She ignored him yet again and stayed in silence while examining me.

"You're very hurt Hera" she whispered. That wasn't good. "Good thing is, it's not your liver or intestines that was hit" she added on.

"Can you take it out?" I asked her. It made me more nervous knowing there was still a knife in me.

"I-I don't know how to, I take it out now and you could bleed out and die. I need my mothers help with this" Clarke told us.

As those words left her mouth Bellamy fully lost it at her. I couldn't tell if he was angry or upset.

"No. She won't die Clarke!" He yelled at her slamming his hand into the wall.

"Bell, it's okay" i whispered taking his hand in mine.

"I won't let you go Hera. You are not leaving me today, okay?" he explained shaking his head at me.

"Bellamy I can't help her or Finn without my mum" Clarke said softly.

"Raven start working on that radio!" Bellamy yelled.

"I'm trying! There's a big storm coming right over top of us, this is gonna be hard" raven told us.

"Are you sure you have the right frequency?" A delinquent asked.

"Yeah I'm sure" she spat at the girl.

"I'll be back" he added then walked out of the drop ship.

I turned to Clarke who freaking out.

"Clarke! Am I gonna die? Be honest" I asked her with tears in my eyes.

She bent down to me and held my hand.

"As i said to Bellamy, If I take it out, you will bleed to death in minutes and I won't be able to stop it" she stated. "I'm sorry" she sighed

"And What happens if I move?" I added to my question before.

"The knife may move deeper into your stomach" Clarke said.

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