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Hera's pov ~~~~~~

"If my sister gets hurt you and I are gonna have problems" Bellamy spat at Clarke.

"Octavia with come back with a cure I'm sure of it!" Clarke tried to tell him.

"There is no cure! But the grounders don't us the sickness to kill!" Octavia yelled running in the gates.

"Tell that to them O, I warned you about seeing that grounder again" I stated pointing at her.

"Yeah well I have a warning for you as well! The grounders are attacking at first light!" She added.

Bellamy started to storm off throw the crowd of kids that watched the whole conversation go down.

"Get out of my way!" He yelled at a delinquent.

As the kid turned around to face Bellamy he was bleeding from his eyes. Everyone started to panic and started pushing one other to get away from them.

A girl threw up blood on another delinquent and everyone went mad. I grabbed my gun from my pocket and aimed it up.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three gun shots rang out through the air. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"This is what the grounders want. They want us to fight with each other before they come!!" I screamed at everyone.

"You were the one who brought the sick kid in! You don't want the virus to spread get back in the damn drop ship!" The delinquent yelled at me pointing a gun.

Bellamy took the kids gun and knocked him hard in the face.

"No offence but I don't think your quarantine is working Clarke" I said.

She then fell towards the ground. "Finn don't touch her!" Raven yelled as Finn caught Clarke.

"She's right, you shouldn't be touching me" Clarke sighed.


Bellamy and I went to help raven with sorting out guns.

"Man I have missed this" I stated.

"I missed having you working with me" raven added.

"Hera you're an engineer?" Harper asked me.

"Third best on the ark" I said smiling at raven.

"Third?" She gave a questioned looked.

"Monty's second" I laughed.

Suddenly Finn came running into the tent.

"Raven could you build a bomb to delay the attack?" Finn asked her.

"She would need hydrazine for that" I told him. "And don't here there's nothing but woods and grounders"

"There's some from the exodus ship" raven added in. Well that was perfect.

"So can you do it?" Finn asked again.

"That bridge has survived 97 years of weather and radiation" Bellamy spat.

"It won't survive raven" I laughed.

Raven went off with Bellamy and Finn to get what she needed I stayed with jasper and sorted through bullets. Eventually I told jasper he can take a break so he left.

"We're back" Bellamy said coming up behind me.

Raven placed everything on the table i front of us. She explained what to do and how it would work.

Thief - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now