Harvest chamber

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Bellamy's pov~~~~

As I was leaving the Acid Fog room, I suddenly noticed an old manual dial out of the corner of my eye, built into the far back on the side of one of the huge barrels of acid.

"What the hell is that?" I asked myself.

I quickly walked over and cleaned off the dial that was covered in dust and that when I realised that the pH is still set to 0.

"Oh shit. This is bad very very bad" I repeated.

"Raven!? raven please pick up!" I yelled into the radio.

"Come on!!" I added.

The signal was blocked once again. Cage must've done it,but this meant very very bad news.

Now we have no connection with the grounders this meant that they don't know about the acid levels and they were going head on for the attack on mount weather.

I soon heard Mount Weather Guards banging on the outside of the room. I knew couldn't stay I here or I'd be dead.

Or worse, feed to the reapers.

"Oh no" I whispered.

As I looked around for a way out I realised I could maybe get back through where I came in. I took off running back towards the vent, but it was already too late.

6 guards chased after me as I hide behind one of the oxygen tanks. I ran back to the vent when the guards weren't looking.

Bullets hit the wall and small barrels as they wizzed by me, luckily I got back into the vent.

"Oh my god!" I ducked.

"What are these peoples problem??" I asked myself.

I shot at the guards chasing me until I ran out of bullets.

"I'm out?" I asked myself.

"I'm seriously out? Already? You would think they would had better quality" I said softly.

I proceeded to climb through the air duct as a guard went after me. Suddenly a loud band was heard and an explosion went off in the acid room.

"That's not good!" I yelled.

I could already felt the heat getting closer and closer through the ark duct. I started to practically claw my way out by this point.

The fire and flames took out the guard chasing me while I was still climbing my way out.

Just as the flames and ash reached me I fell out of the vent on the other side hitting the ground pretty hard.

"Ow"I groaned in pain rolling over onto my back.

"Oh my god" I whispered.

I looked my entire body up and down, making sure I wasn't hurt. I smiled and sighed in relief that I was still alive and okay.

I still had one more job to do before I went off anywhere.

"I'm coming back for you Echo, I promise" I said softly looking up and down the hallway.


I made my way into the Harvest Chamber in Mount Weather and freed Echo from her cage.

"You came back?" She asked me.

"I always keep a promise" I replied.

"Come on let's free the others as well" I added opening another cage.

After we had opened all the cages in the chamber and got the grounders out they started to get excited for the fight against mount weather.

"Quite!" Echo yells at them all.

Cage Wallace suddenly comes over the PA, announcing to all of Mount Weather that they can all return to the ground.

"Shit" I said.

"Before All 44 Delinquents murdered Dr. Lorelei Tsing, she had found a cure in their bone marrow" cage continued.

"I need to save my people, stay here I'll bring them back here" I explained running off.

"Thank you!" Echo yelled out.

Cage continued to talk over the PA, asking for the residents of Mount Weather to turn over the 44 murderers, and if they don't, they will be considered enemies.

"Crazy mother fucker" I spat.

I crawled through yet again another air vent, and as I got to the mess hall I saw Vincent at gun point.

"Watch out" I smiled as I aimed my gun at the shooter.

I shit him dead and Vincent ran over to the air vent and pried it open, revealing me.

I watched while Miller took down another guard and bashed his head against the wall.

"What's up guys?" I smiled.

"Bellamy!" Jasper yelled.

"You need to go with Vincent to the Harvest Chamber where you will all be safe" I explained to them all.

"I'm going with you to rescue everyone else" Jasper told me.

"Me too" Monty and Maya added.

"Bye dad, love you" Maya sighed hovering her father a hug.

"Bye love you too" he replied letting her go.

I pushed my way out of an air duct, for like now the third time as we were looking around for the last 12 missing Delinquents.

But suddenly an announcement was heard, telling all Mount Weather residents that they have 30 minutes to get to Level 5 for quarantine lock-down.

"Shit" jasper said softly.

"I can't go to Level 5 without being shot" maya added.

A gunshot went off near by and we all rushed toward it, waiting until the Guards are gone.

"What the fuck?" I whispered.

As we got closer we found Mrs. Ryan, the woman who was hiding the last twelve, is now dead on the hallway floor.

"Oh my god" Maya sighs with her hand over her mouth.

"We need to go to level 5" Jasper spat.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I replied to him firmly.

Soon Monty came out from hiding.

"I had to let them kill her, I overheard that the Mountain Men know about Echo's Grounder army and are going for the Harvest Chamber" Monty explained in fear.

We immediately took off as fast as we all could for the harvest chamber but when we have reached it we found no one.

"Oh my god dad!" Maya screamed.

Vincent was shot dead in the middle of the floor, while I looked around to discovered every single one of the cages empty and all of the Grounders gone.


One more chapter to go it's sad I know, I think this will be the very end of this book.

Thief - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now