Way out

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Hera's pov ~~~~~

I went back to the dorms with jasper and sat down with Monty. Clarke came back from talking with Dante soon after.

"I really like it here Clarke" jasper told her.

"I know you do jasper" she replied.

The dorm doors open once again and it was miller walking through to us.

"Omg Miller!" I ran up hugging him.

"Hey!" He replied hugging back.

Miller and I had gotten closer since the grounder stabbing back at camp.

"I just came from medical. What have a missed?" Miller asked us.

"What haven't you missed" Monty added.

We all laughed at Monty's response as an alarm went off.

"Maya what does the alarm mean?" Clarke asked her.

"Someone needs medical attention, I gotta go" she said running off with jasper following.

I looked at Clarke and nodded. Both her and I ran after Maya and jasper. When we arrived at a door people were putting on protective gear.

I grabbed a key card and ran through the door.

"Hera!?" Jasper yelled.

It's not dangerous for me!" I yelled back. Clarke followed me.

We found a person lying on the ground. His badge said Sgt Shaw.

"It's a gun shot wound?" Clarke said.

"Radiation burns too" I added.

Clarke then walked off away from me.

"Hey wait! Where are you going?" I asked her.

"I'm confronting Dante about this" she replied.

I got up and ran after her.


"What happened with Sgt Shaw? He was shot and the grounders don't use guns" Clarke spat at Dante.

"Come with me, you too Hera" he replied.

"This is Dr. Lorelei Tsing" Dante introduced us.

"Hera, Clarke this was caused by an arrow in the fields not a gun shot" Dr Tsing explained.

"I know what a gun shot wound looks like doctor, I was shot twice and had an arrow in my like and that is not an arrow wound" I corrected her.

We walked back out and went back to jasper.

"I think that the mountain men are lying. There making us think that our people aren't down here" Clarke stated.

"The only threat to our safety, is you Clarke" jasper spat.

"Jasper Clarke's right, I don't trust these people" I replied.

Jasper walks off and Clarke and I made our way back to the dorm on level 5. I sat on my bunk bed thinking.

It felt like being in the sky box all over again, but this time I didn't have octavia.

"Ughh!" Clarke sighed throwing a piece of paper across the room.

"You good?" I asked her.

"No exits anywhere" she replied.

I looked up from Clarke and peeked out the window. I jumped down from my bed and ran past Clarke.

"Hey Clarke?" I questioned her with a smile

"Hera seriously, bows not the time to be looking at boys" she replied.

"What? No just come here" I whispered.

We both looked outside the dorm window and noticed a familiar person.

"He was covered in radiation burns, so where are they now?" I told her.

"That's impossible, you can't get treated that quickly" she whispered back.

"Interesting" I said turning my head side ways.

The next thing I knew Clarke reopened her stitches in her arm. I freaked out.

"Clarke?!" I yelled.

"Let's go to medical" she smiled.

"Yeah no shit" I told her.

She generally scared the shit out of me. Clarke was crazy but I knew she had a plan to get out of here. It was a stupid plan but it was a plan.


"She's okay, just needed knew stitches" Maya told me.

"Can I see her?" I asked.

"Sure she's just in there" Maya told me.

I watched as she walked away and turn the corner. I walked inside medical and looked for Clarke. I found her snooping around at stuff.

"Dude" I said just standing there.

"Oh good you're here, come help me" Clarke replied still looking around.

"What are we looking for?" I questioned her.

"Anything that can help us out of here" she told me.

"Something like that" I replied.

It was tubes that the mountain men used for radiation and they led to a different room.

"Nice work" Clarke told me.

"Why thank you" I replied high-fiving her.

We crawled through a small vent that led to an even bigger room full of cages. They were stacked on top on one another and they had people inside.

"There's like 100 cages in here" I whispered looking around.

"Oh my god" Clarke stated.

"What? What is it?" I rushed over.

To my surprise Anya was here, locked up in a small cage.

"Wait if Anya's here that means-" I trailed off.

"There's people are all grounders" Clarke added.

I've already lost count on what this chapter is but whatever. I'm not sure on how to spice the chapters up I'm so sorry.

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