Unity day

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Hera's pov~~~~~~

I watched delinquents around camp listen to a remote broad cast chancellor Jaha was giving us. He was talking about unity day. Basically how the ark became a thing, like an anniversary each year.

"By next year everyone on the ark will be down on earth" Jaha announced.

Some kids cheered and others ignored. I couldn't blame them, Jaha locked them up after all.

I was wondering where Bellamy was. I wanted to say I'm sorry for how I treated him in the forest the other day. I know I pushed him away and now he thinks he did something.

"Unity juice!!" A voice yelled out.

I laughed and walked over to him.

"Hey, having fun?" I asked.

"I will be once you dance with me" A boy said with a smile.

"Wasn't asking you Thomas" I let out a small giggle.

"Cute laugh, now let's dance" he replied.

He held out is hand to me and for a moment I was hesitant to take it.

"Ugh, whatever" I laughed.

He took me by and hand a spun me around making me collide with his body.

I laughed as him and I danced to the music some delinquents were making. After that we had a few drinks together laughing with others by the fire.


Bellamy's pov ~~~~~~

I watched Hera from a far. Suddenly a boy took her by the hand and was now dancing with her. My blood boiled as I watched her laugh and talk with him.

I was jealous that she was dancing with someone who wasn't me, but I smiled at what we have achieved down here on earth.

"Hey" a voice said coming from beside me.

It was Clarke.

"Security is covered through out camp just in case Lincoln comes back with the rest of the grounders" I told her.

"Clarke go have a drink and have some fun, in two more days your moms gonna come down and we won't be in charge anymore" Hera said walking up to us.

"You should also have some fun" Clarke told me.

"I'll have my fun when the grounders get here" I smiled.

"You need a drink Blake" Hera said pulling me by the hand towards jasper and his weird alcohol concoction.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry" Hera told me.

"Why would you be sorry?" I looked in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you the other day in the forest, I was mad and I didn't mean to take it out on you" she explained to me.

I smiled and gave her another drink.

"It's okay" I whispered.

Suddenly she kissed me on the cheek a smiled.

"Come on" I added.

I took her by the hand and we played some drinking games with Fox, Sterling, Clarke and Miller. I loved hearing Hera laugh and seeing her smile.

"Clarke I need to talk to you" Finn said out of no where.

"Oh come one spacewalker join the fun" Hera said to him.

"You're drunk H" he replied then walked off with Clarke.

After hanging out with friends both Hera and I sat down and talked.

Thief - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now