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Bellamy's pov ~~~~~~

We got ready to leave for mount weather. Unfortunately no matter how hard I tried to convince Abby for Hera to come with us she said no.

"Abby please" I begged her.

"No Bellamy she's still resting" Abby told me.

"I'll look after her, I can't let anything happen to her again" I replied.

"If Hera moves around too much she could get badly hurt" she added.

"No please" I told her.

"I'll have Murphy be her guard till we get back then" she stated.

"Murphy?!" I spat.

"Take it or leave it Bellamy" she said.

"Fine!" I stormed off.

I walked into Medical where Hera was still lying down.

"Hey I'm leaving with Clarke and octavia now, I'll be back later" i said to Hera.

"I'll miss you" she replied.

"I'm gonna miss you too princess" I kissed her softly.

"I love you" she whispered.

"What?" I questioned.

"I love you Bellamy" she said again.

"I love you too" i smiled.

I wanted Hera to be safe so I left the fight alone with Abby. Murphy kept and eye on Hera as we all left.

I felt uneasy as I walked out the camp gates. What if Hera got hurt again? What if Murphy can't protect her? I needed to stop over thinking and focus.


Hera's pov ~~~~~

I watched as Bellamy left camp gates. I felt worried as if he wouldn't be safe, but I knew he could handle himself.

"You should be resting" Murphy said from behind me.

"Yeah sorry, I-I was just watching them leave" I told him.

"Come on let's take you back to bed" Murphy suggest taking my arm to support me while walking.

Raven and Finn had also left with Clarke and Bellamy. I wanted to tag on but Abby picked a fight when Bellamy asked about it.

The whole time Bellamy was gone I felt someone watching me, like no matter where I was eyes were on me.

"Hey Murphy I feel like some ones watching us" i told him.

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

"Last night when you were talking with us I saw someone out side camp" I stated.

"What?!" He yelled.

"Shhh! Keep it down!" I Whispered.

"You didn't think to tell Bellamy about this before he left?" Murphy asked.

"He would've freaked out" I stated.

Murphy just looked at me in disbelief and shock. He just stood there in silence, then rubbed his eyes.

"Ughh" he groaned.

"Okay what did this person look like, like was it a grounder or-or like something else??" Murphy added on.

"I think it was the mountain men Murphy" i whispered.

"Like from mount weather? Where would they be following you?" He asked me.

Thief - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now