Paul woke up the next day to his outrageously loud alarm. Groaning, he turned it off, getting in the shower.

He didn't know what to do as far as being friends with John; John was a very energetic guy, and not that Paul wasn't; Paul was more extraverted than John was, but had less pent-up energy.

Picking out something to wear had never felt so hard. It was just school; put on something decent, preferably a nicer outfit, fix your head, and get on the bus.

But this morning, he felt extra careful, and placed his glasses on his face gingerly before leaving.

His younger friend, George, was already sitting in a window seat waiting for him in their usual spot. "Hey, Paulie, what's up?" said he. "Nothing much, Georgie. I do need to say though, that I'm sitting somewhere else at lunch today. I'm meeting a new friend's friend group."

"That's all right," said George, "I was going to sit with a girl I like." Paul smiled. "Who?" "I'm not telling you," George said with a smile. "Have it your way, then," Paul said with a laugh.


Once at school, Paul started looking around the grounds with his eyes to find John's familiar leather gear. He got worried for a moment, as he couldn't see him, but eventually saw him hanging with a couple of other guys dressed similar as him. He headed over.

"Oh, hey, Macca," said John. The other boys looked at him for a moment. "John?" asked the one with a sharp jaw and sunglasses, "Who's this bloke?"

"My name's Paul," Paul replied, "Met John yesterday." The other boy bit his lip. "If I'm being honest, you don't seem like the type to accept John's behavior."

Paul was confused, and his face showed it. "He's being cheeky, Paul. My name's Stu. That there is Pete Best. He's nice and all, but I don't know what happened there."

"It's all right," Paul answered.

"So what do you do? Play any instruments?" asked Stu. "I play guitar decent," Paul answered. Stu let out a hearty laugh. "That makes three of us, mate," he said.

"Yeah; Stu's been at bass for a while because of it. Pete's on drums, I'm on guitar... It's crazy," said John. "Do you have a band or something?" Paul asked. "Oh, Johnny, did you not tell him?" asked Pete.

"Tell me what?"

"We are in a band. We're called the Quarrymen. Y'know, because of our school and whatnot," said John.

Stu turned to face Paul, his eyes searing into his own. He said nothing, rather just stared and observed the boy in front of him.

The familiar bell rang outside and all the students rushed off to their classes. "I'll see you at lunch, Macca," said John.

Paul smiled. "See you then."

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