(bj warning! 😅)

Both of their bodies seemed to be vibrating with adrenaline.

John's face was red and blotchy, and Paul's cheeks were pink and hot to the touch.

They didn't even need words.

John pushed Paul's dark hair off his face, leaning in and locking lips with him again, pushing him down onto the bed and crawling on top of him.

Paul's lips were soft, and lightly coated with the bitter taste of the whiskey they shared.

The kiss became slightly heated, filled with smacking noises and a small noise when they pulled away from each other.

"I want to blow you so bad," John said to himself lowly, but Paul heard and his face went even more pink.

"Please..." he whispered, letting John know that he heard him.

Without exchanging another word, John started to unbutton and unzip Paul's pants, revealing his boxers. The trail of hair leading to his pubic area made John's mouth water, knowing just how close he was.

"Have you ever had this done to you before?" John asked, looking up at Paul while laying down between his legs.

Paul shook his head; sure, he wasn't a virgin, but he has never done this before, especially not with another guy.

"Are you sure you want this?"

Paul nodded his head yes, but he honestly wasn't sure. This could make or break their new friendship.

John had never done this before, but he's had girls do it to him, so he decided to try it for the first time based off what he saw and felt.

He slowly pulled Paul's boxers down, revealing his semi. "I... enjoyed the kissing a bit," Paul admitted when John's eyebrows rose.

"Good, because I did too," said John, before taking Paul into his hand and licking a slow stripe up his shaft. That caught Paul off guard, and his breath hitched.

Placing a few gentle kisses up his shaft, he felt Paul fully harden. He migrated the soft pecks up to his tip before shooting his tongue out and lapping at the head.

Paul's hands had a tight grip on John's hair, using every bit of his being trying not to let out girly moans from this strange new feeling.

eventually John slid his full cock into his mouth, starting to bob. Paul bucked his hips by accident, causing John to gag. "Sorry," Paul said with a laugh, truly sorry but also finding it funny.

John chortled, getting back to work immediately, flicking his tongue over the tip ever so often, causing Paul to shudder.

His legs started to shake slightly as he felt a heat rush into his core, and his body started to sweat. "I-I'm..."

John pulled Paul out of his mouth, wrapping his hand around his shaft and pumping with a flick of his wrist.

All of Paul's release had ended up in John's hand, oozing down. John took some napkins he had left over from dinner amd cleaned it off.

"I wasn't trying to make ye cum all over me, but what was I expecting after touching ye like that?" he said with a laugh.

Paul laughed with him, fastening his pants back up. Looking over at John, he noticed he was trying to press down his hard-on without making it obvious.

When Paul looked down at his watch, it was nearly 2 in the morning. How did time go by that fast? He asked himself. "Shit," he said aloud.

"What is it?"

"I didn't tell my dad I was gonna be gone for the night."

"Ye can use the phone downstairs, if ye need to."

"It's fine. I'll tell him in the morning."

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