John awoke the next morning with a dull headache, and the bright light didn't help it any.

He was still in yesterday's clothes, and when he looked over to see Paul sleeping peacefully, also wearing what he worse yesterday, he immediately remembered everything that had happened last night.

The anxiety of what would happen if anyone found out what had happened between them made goosebumps form on his arms and tears fill his eyes. The both of them would be killed, or at least arrested.

He leaned up in bed and ran his fingers through his hair.

Why did I let everything that happened last night happen?

He tried to push the thought aside.

Rolling over, he started petting Paul's head, running his fingers through his soft locks.

Unexpectedly, that awoke Paul, and their eyes met.

"Good morning, John."

"Morning, Paul."

"Oh my God, we missed the bus," whined Paul, shooting up and sitting up in bed. "Relax. One missed day of school won't hurt anyone," said John, sounding almost careless.

Paul let out a muffled groan and laid back in bed.

John started to think. He knew he had Cynthia; but they weren't dating. They've been on and off for a little while. He was basically single.

"Hey, Paul?"


"Have you got a girlfriend?"

Paul blinked in a confused manner. "Well, I did, but she broke up with me because she said she had to 'focus on her studies'," Paul scoffed, "I think she was actually cheating on me and didn't want to tell me."

"Oh, I'm sorry, mate," John responded.

"Why do you ask?" asked Paul, his head slightly cocked to the side.

John let out a low, grotty cough.

"Well... I know it sounds crazy, and you'll probably say no, but..."

"What is it?"

John felt hesitant to answer.

"I was-"

"Do you fancy me, John?"

John felt a lump in his throat, knowing he had no right to cry; and knowing that only made him want to cry more. However, he cleared his throat and managed to sound normal.

"I just didn't want to freak you out or anything," he responded.

"So... you do fancy me?"

"You're not disappointed, are you?"

"No, of course not."

"Then how would you feel if I asked the question?"

"Go right ahead."

John took a silent but deep breath before sitting on the bed next to Paul.

"Will you be mine?"

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