(stuff starts to get a little more interesting by this point iykwim lmfao)

As Paul made it to the lunch room, he overheard many people talking about how this week was the last week before school got out, and plenty of girls whispering about smoking in the bathrooms.

Everyone seemed so excited, but Paul was scared that he would lose his focus on his studies.

All his worries disappeared once he found John across the way, once again standing huddled with the others.

He got some food before taking a seat next to him, and noticed that John wasn't eating like the others were.

"You not going to eat anything, John?"

"I'm not hungry, honestly."

Paul nodded, focusing on his food. Strange, he thought.

In the corner of his eye, he could see John staring at him, sneakily. Every time he moved his head slightly closer to facing him, he would immediately move his eyes.

There was a certain mystery about John's behavior that Paul couldn't quite put his finger on...

But it was rather intriguing.

When the bell rang and everyone was dismissed from the lunchroom, John, instead, immediately went to the restroom.

The rest of John's friends each walked together to get to their classrooms, but, instead of following along, Paul followed John.

John was looking in the mirror, fixing any strands of hair that had escaped the palmful of gel he had put in it that morning.

He noticed Paul in the corner of his eye, and turned to face him. "What are ye doing in here, Macca?" he asked.

Paul's cheeks flushed a tad. "I noticed you were acting strange during lunch. Are you okay? Are you sick?"

"No- Yes, actually. Yeah. I'm sick," answered John. "Oh, dear, John, don't you think you should go home and rest?" Answered Paul.

John raised his head. "Can you take me home? I haven't got my license, and I'm shit at driving anyways."

"Skip half my classes, you mean?" replied Paul, "You're mad. That, and I haven't got my license either. So no."

"Really, Paul... What would your old man do?" asked John.

Paul bit his lip. "This is a really bad idea, John..."

"Who said it was a good idea?"

Paul shook his head. "Lead the way."

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