Paul had to process it for a moment.

He eventually responded with a sigh that he released from his nose.

His face scared John a bit, and his already racing heart started beating only faster.

However, Paul's facial expression changed into a toothless grin, looking down at the bedsheets like he was thinking of something pleasant.

"I mean... sure."

John smiled widely. The joy almost overcame him, but he contained himself.

Paul went in for a hug, surprising John slightly. He hugged him back just as fast as it had started, overwhelmed with happiness.

"I'm just scared, John."

John furrowed his brows quickly and pulled away. "Why?"

"About what my old man would think if he found out."

"Don't worry about him or his opinion. Besides, if anything happens, we'll find ways out of it. I'm sure of it." John responded, leaving a gentle peck on Paul's cheek.

"What are we going to do while we're skipping school?" Paul asked, as it was clear that he had never tried to do something like this before.

"Well, if you want, we can write some songs together. I don't mind if you want to do something else, but-"

"No, that's just fine," Paul responded, cutting him off.

John laughed. He was glad to find someone he really appreciated and cared for who shared the same interests. "Well, where should we start?" he asked.

Paul looked up at the ceiling, thinking. "I want to write a love song. I think we could do that very well."

"How do you want it to be?"

"A song about risky love. Two people love each other, but they shouldn't."

John liked how this sounded, considering they were currently in the same situation.

"Let's get started, then."

Taking his notebook off his desk and clicking the pen open, he started on an opening line. "What if we flip back and forth? I write one line, and you write the next?"

"I like that," commented Paul, taking the pen from John and observing what he had so far.

In spite of all the danger

Paul was into this already and had a good feeling about it.

In spite of all that may be

John took the pen back, ideas flowing through hus creative mind.

I'll do anything for you
Anything you want me to
If you'll be true to me

"I have a good feeling about all this," he said aloud, "By the time we're done, I want to present it to my band."

There was a moment of silence where John had the pen in his hand, mouth slightly agape.

"How would you feel about joining us?"

"What, your band?" Paul asked.

"Well yeah. I haven't heard you on the guitar yet, but you have some damn good songwriting, that's for sure."

Paul smiled, his cheeks turning a light pink. "Thanks. I've been writing for quite some time, and I honestly didn't think it was all that great. I think it works better when both of us are writing, for sure."

They wrote for hours, but it only felt like a matter of minutes to them.

Looking at his watch, Paul observed the time.

It was closer to the late afternoon, meaning school would be out very soon.

"I hate to end this kind of abruptly, but I ought to head home. Me dad might have a thing or two to say if I don't come back at the time I usually do."

John frowned a little. "That's alright. Can I see you again tonight, though?"

Paul was halfway out John's bedroom window by the time he heard that.

"If you'd like; but you'll have to come to my place. My dad usually likes to see what I'm doing before he heads off to bed."

"That's fine, I'll be there later in the night. I have to help with chores around the house. I'll see you then, though."

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