They walked along the sidewalk illuminated by the pale moonlight. The moon was a bit closer tonight than normal, Paul had realized, making it a little bit brighter outside than it normally was at this hour.

Since no one was around, Paul decided to gently reach next to him and grab John's hand, lacing their fingers together.

John gladly accepted it, but when Paul looked at him, he looked a bit uneasy.

"What's the matter, John?"

"Just a bit nervous, s'all. I'm afraid someone might see."

Paul understood. With homosexuality being illegal, it was definitely hard to feel comfortable doing something as simple as holding hands.

"If you get too uncomfortable, let me know, alright?" Paul said with a caring tone.

John nodded his head, feeling comfortable with how open Paul was.

"Here's the place," John pointed out, stopping his tracks abruptly on the brick sidewalk.

"What is this place?" Paul asked.

"It's me mum's place," said John, "Mimi don't know that I go here often."

Paul nodded to signal he was listening, waiting patiently beside John after he had used the door knocker.

The door opened about 10 seconds later, with a beautiful young woman right at their sight.

"Oh, Johnny, you brought a friend!" she noticed out loud, scaling Paul's body with her eyes up and down. "He's a very pretty boy."

Paul blushed at the compliment. "Thank you," he responded, shying away a bit and letting John take over. "Well, come on in, I'm not just gonna leave you two waiting out here!" John's mother said, stepping out of the way.

"So what's your name?" she said, taking a drag of her cigarette while sitting at the dining table.

"Paul McCartney, and yours?"

"I'm Julia. It's nice to meet you. And your handsome little face."

Paul caught that last bit that she said through her teeth, his face flushing. "John-"

"We're gonna go to the family room for a little while, if that's alright," John interrupted.

"That's fine. I put the kids to bed a little while ago, so they shouldn't come down and bother you," said Julia.

John dragged Paul to the other side of the house, closing the french double doors to the room.

"What is your mum on about?" Paul said at once.

John pretended to look surprised, but quickly realized he wouldn't get away with it. "I didn't want to have to tell you. I thought she would behave herself. But she's a bit of a slag."

"So I've noticed."

"Do you want some tea or something? A cig?"

"Tea would be nice, if you don't mind."

"No, it's all right. I'll be back."

Paul waited on the couch for John to come back, which took about 5 minutes.

He eventually came back, shutting the door back behind him. "Luckily there was already a kettle out, so I was able to get it done quickly," he said, placing fine cups down on saucers in front of he and Paul, pouring the tea.

"So what did your dad say when you came back late?" John asked. "I was able to give little white lies and he believed me. I told most of the truth," said Paul.

"I'm going to bed, John! You two have fun!"

Once John could feel the all-clear, knowing that Julia was upstairs, he got up and walked over to the record player, putting on some of Elvis's amazing work and putting the delicate vinyl down and placing the needle down on top of it.

He made sure it was at a moderate volume; enough to be heard well, but not too much that it would wake anyone in the house.

John went back over to the couch, and with one swift motion while Paul was distracted, he gave him gentle nibbles on his sensitive neck.

"John, there's children here, and your own mot-oh~"

John had started to suck at his neck a bit, untucking Paul's shirt and sliding his hands up to his bare chest.

"Are you turned on yet?" John purred, mere inches from Paul's ear.

"Yes... why?"

"You never returned the favor from last night."

Paul's cheeks turned crimson to the memory. "Oh... I- I didn't know that you wanted me to..."

"Well, of course I wanted you to, I just didn't want to pressure you into anything."

Paul knew that John was a genuine, selfless human being, even though the façade he put up often proved otherwise, he was so incredibly loving to him.


"Yes, love?"

"Can I tell you something?"

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