17** (part 1)

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John's POV

It all happened so fast.

I quickly attacked his lips with my own, adoring the way his felt; soft, plump and wet, as opposed to my thin, slightly chapped lips.

When I pulled away, he looked deep into my eyes, almost as though he was studying me. "Remember saying 'whatever makes you feel better'?" I asked. "Yeah," Paul responded.

I snaked my hand into his greasy hair, using my thumb to caress his cheek. "Would you be willing to do something wild for me?" I said, putting a bit of emphasis on 'wild'.

Paul's cheeks glowed a light pink. "That depends on what it is," he said, licking his lips fast. That, mixed with his body language, told me he was a bit nervous. I didn't want to pressure him into anything, but I was so caught up in the moment that I couldn't help myself.

"Well then come here."

I sat on the edge of my bunk, man spreading as far as I could in tight leather pants. Paul came to me, looking at me, waiting for my command.

"Get on your knees."

Not breaking eye contact for even a second, he got down on his knees slowly, sitting himself between my legs and resting his hands in his lap.

He looked so polite and innocent; truth be told, though, he definitely wasn't innocent. Being his best friend, he's told me so much about the things he's done with girls before; not that I haven't heard some of it first-hand.

I slowly undid my belt, button and zipper, the tent from my erection very noticeable through my boxers. Paul watched my hands as I undid everything, looking curious as ever.

"Suck it."

Paul pulled down the elastic waistband of my boxers, not saying another word before licking my tip, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

He started off strong by only putting the head in his mouth, sucking on it like a ice lolly. My breath hitched, and I was trying hard not to make too much noise. I felt myself go numb with pleasure very fast.

His mouth slid down all the way to the base, taking all of me in. I couldn't help but cry out from the pleasure. His hands moved to my thighs for support as he started to bob his head, keeping a very steady pace.

So many things were going on all at once, from the drunkeness to the loud music to the fact that my cock was 6 inches deep inside my best mate's mouth.

It wasn't enough.

"Stop," I said sharply. He quickly pulled off, saliva connecting my cock to his beautiful mouth. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked. "No; come with me. To the bathroom," I commanded, pulling my trousers back up momentarily.

We went to the bathroom; there was hardly anyone at the club at this point, except a few people and the band finishing up. It was still loud enough. I went into one of the stalls, beckoning Paul to join me inside.

He was so, so gorgeous. Much prettier than any random whore I would pick up here in Germany. I wanted him.

He stared into my eyes, waiting for me to say something. "I want to fuck you so bad," I admitted through gritted teeth. "Sure you can take it?" Paul asked, pretending to be seductive and batting his eyelashes. We laughed quietly. "Seriously though, John, if you want to, I don't mind. I'm just nervous, s'all. I don't know how the queers do it."

"I saw somewhere that I gotta stretch you out first," I said. Paul's face quickly turned to that of terror. "A-alright." "We don't have to do it if it makes you uncomfortable," I said. "No, no, I'm fine. Tonight's all about you," Paul responded.

I started to undo his trousers and belt, and pulled down his boxers as well, grinning when I saw that he was actually very hard. I couldn't tell that he was before that, being how tight his pants were.

He kicked off his shoes and threw them next to the toilet, one of them ending up under the stall beside us. His pants fell to the ground and he stepped out of them, throwing them off to the side along with his boxers. God, his body was beautiful as he was.

"Are you flexible?" I asked.


"Lift your left leg onto my shoulder."

He did so without question or hesitation, keeping his eyes locked on mine.

"Now what, Johnny?"

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