18** (part 2)

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John's POV

I lifted my middle finger to my mouth, sucking on it a moment to get it nice and wet. Paul watched with curiosity, his eyes widening a bit when I dove my finger down between his legs and into his ass.

He let out a loud gasp, his back arching slightly off the stall door. I started to thrust my finger slowly in and out, in and out, until his face relaxed a bit, then I added my index finger.

He let out another loud gasp, this time sharp as a knife, his hands gripping onto my dirty T-shirt like his life depended on it. "Do that again," he groaned.

I tried to repeat the same motion, struggling a few times before he gasped again, Letting out a small cry. "Do you like that?" I purred. "Yes, a lot," responded Paul. "Do you think you're ready for the real thing?" I asked politely. "I'm ready when you are," said Paul.

I sat down on the toilet seat, pulling my trousers down to my knees. "Come sit on my lap," said I, and Paul obeyed, straddling me and locking eyes.

We kept eye contact as he lowered himself down onto me slowly, both of us letting out a loud groan. I grabbed him by the waist, spending no time to let him adjust, immediately making him bounce on my cock.

When I could tell that he got the hang of it, I let go, and he wrapped his arms around my neck, bouncing up and down on my lap.

The sound of skin slapping echoed through the small bathroom, as did the beautiful sounds of Paul's moans.

"AaAh.... ah~"



Just the sound of him moaning my name was enough to nearly send me over the edge, and I could feel my climax bubbling in my core, sending a wave of heat down my body from head to toe.

His forehead was dripping with sweat, and his pace started to get a bit faster. I took it upon myself to, while I was still inside him, move our position back to the stall door, thrusting into him while standing, his legs automatically straddling either side of my waist.

I kept my hands on his ass, his arms finding their way around my neck again. His mouth was slightly agape, rough breaths and strings of moans coming out by the second.

"Shit, I'm so fuckin' close..." I groaned, adjusting my hand placement on his ass. "Me too," Paul groaned back, "Don't fuckin' stop."

"I won't."

There was something about this that brought an extreme adrenaline rush to my entire body; knowing we shouldn't do this, but doing it anyways.

"Oh my God..." I exclaimed, feeling my thrusts grow sloppy. Paul threw his head back against the door, shutting his eyes as they rolled back. He was enjoying this more than I expected.

With three thrusts, I came deep inside of his ass, and the final thrust was that perfect push that send Paul over the edge.


His seed ended up all over my shirt. More came out of him than I could imagine, and it was probably because I knew that I hit his sweet spot with the last thrust.

I pulled myself out of him slowly, as I was sensitive after my release. Paul groaned from the loss of contact, but let himself down onto the ground slowly, finding his pants and putting them back on, along with his shoes.

I fastened my pants back up, furrowing my brows as my thoughts took over. "Paul... you're straight."

"I never said that."

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