(finale!! a bit short, but i'm fresh out of ideas to end things anyways. please please comment and tell me if you have any other mclennon story plot ideas you want to see happen!! I'll get started on it as soon as i see it :) i want to write more stories for y'all and i can write them if they're something you want to write but can't seem to get. and tell me what era to put it in as well)

Paul's POV

It was the next morning and I felt much better now than I had for the last few weeks.

I finally told him that I fancied him. It may not have been when I wanted it to, but it happened, and I felt as though a pressure or weight had been lifted off my chest.

As soon as I saw John, sleeping the side opposite me, on the other end of my bunk, every concern I had seemed to disappear.

I didn't expect myself to fall for him, especially so quickly.

He was so perfect, as I've said so many times before, and I wanted everything to do with him. I also knew he had a girlfriend back in Liverpool, but Cyn doesn't need to know about what's going on here in Hamburg. All she needs to know is we're happy and having a wonderful time.

Our friendship started off very smooth, and things got complicated as it went along, but it's still going just as well as it started.

Smooth as can be.

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