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John's POV

I held him tight in my arms, and couldn't help but be ecstatic. I crawled on top of him, giving him a shallow kiss, and used my fingertips to separate his legs for me to get closer to his body.

I could feel our heartbeats on each other's chests, and his matched mine pretty well- and I was practically vibrating in ecstasy.

I'll admit that I was hard as a rock while this was happening, but I did as best as I could to ignore it, wanting to do nothing more than make love to Paul's beautiful body. Give him the attention he deserved.

I started to lift his shirt up, and while it confused him for about a second, he obliged, arching his back for me so I could lift it above his arms.

I threw the shirt on the floor below us and gave him gentle, open-mouthed kisses down his smooth chest to his navel, where sparse hairs running down his front got thicker, leading to his groin.

He didn't have trousers on, so I pulled his boxers down slowly until they were completely off his legs, throwing them down with the shirt.

I moved his legs so his knees were bent but his legs were spread, and gave his inner thighs the same kisses I had given his chest and stomach. Paul let out a satisfied sigh, throwing his head back and closing his eyes.

I got dangerously close to his cock, which twitched slightly with nearly every little kiss I gave his body. I licked at the slit of his cock, causing a low moan to escape his mouth. I could taste precum on my tongue, but it didn't bother me at all.

When I took the majority of him in my mouth and then immediately pulled off with a pop, Paul gave another sound of satisfaction. I kissed at the tip a few times, and Paul groaned in annoyance.

"Come on, John, suck it," he mumbled. "Patience, Macca," I replied. I held myself up with my forearms, laying on my stomach and using my hands to separate his legs further before kissing and sucking at his balls a few times.

There were nasty, intimate noises coming from his mouth, and the sound made my cock twitch in my pants.

I decided it was time to stop teasing and actually go down on him, taking every bit of him in my mouth. I finally started bobbing my head some, trying to do as best as I could as it was my first time actually going down on a lad.

"Oh, fuck~"

His sounds were like music to my ears. I started to go a bit more intense, and his noises started getting louder and more high-pitched.

To see Paul like this and have it not just be a dream was amazing to me, and almost felt less real than the dream did.

"Mmm... uh... John~"

There it happened, when I felt a strong rush of heat to my core, and all of a sudden my boxers were covered in something warm and sticky.

There was something about him saying my name that made me lose it every single time; but I never have done that before.

I ignored the uncomfortable feeling to keep pleasing the beautiful boy that was currently inches deep inside my mouth, throwing his hand on my head and pulling at my hair.

He bucked his hips, gagging me as he did in my dream. It hurt and sent tears in the corners of my eyes, but I didn't complain. He did it again, this time slightly harder, and I gagged pretty loud.

He realized what he had done and looked at me, smiling. "Oh, dear, I'm sorry, Johnny," He said, stroking my cheek lovingly. He didn't care to lean back down, instead using his arms to prop himself up.

It didn't take long before his abdominal muscles started spasming, and I could feel him twitch violently in my mouth.

I pulled off quickly and immediately started stroking him. I didn't expect him to cum so quickly, as he immediately shot his load onto my face, and my face became nearly covered with his cum.

I slowed my strokes, catching my breath the same as he was. "Thanks to you, I've made a mess in me pants," I laughed. Paul chuckled. "And you've got my jizz all over your face."

It was late, so I was unlikely to get caught going to the bathroom in this condition, and I wiped off my face and cleaned it as best as I could with hardly anything to work with.

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