Part 4 (waltons)

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*u get back to the party*

Kylee: hey y/n u ok? I can't believe Ava did that..
Y/n: ya Ik but it's ok me and Jaden worked it out..
Kylee: Wait do u like jaden?
Y/n: kinda ig..but how'd u know?
Kylee: well u were the only one jealous when Ava kissed him.
Y/n: ya..pls don't tell anyone!
Kylee: omg ofc!
*few minutes later*
Kylee: hey jaylaaa

Jayla: Kylee.. r u drunk!!!

Kylee: maybeeeee..
Jayla: oh god
Kylee: u know abt y/n and jadennnnn

Jayla: wait what?...

Kylee: y/n! She likes jadennnn but shhh it's a secret no tellingggg... *ava hears everything*
Jayla: I think u should go sit down..

Kylee: okkk partyyy pooperrr
*everyone laughs*
*ava walks up to u and jaden*
Ava: jadenn I was looking for u why are u with her anyway.
Y/n: why do u care ur his ex mind ur own business.

Ava: are u gonna tell him y/n?
Y/n: tell him what...
*my heart was racing*
Ava: that u like him! Haha u rly thought he would like U!
Jaden: well I d-
*u run outside crying before u could hear what he says*
*u sit outside of kylees house on the steps*

Jaden: y/n! Look I need to tell u something..
Y/n: what? That were not gonna work and that u still wanna be friends look no than-
*jaden kisses u*

Jaden: wanna ditch this party and go get some food?
Y/n: ya.. *u wipe ur tears*
*jaden hugs u*
*u get in jadens car*
Jaden: u think we should make it..official..?
Y/n: what if jayla and javon find out?

Jaden: ur let's just keep it as a secret.

Y/n: fine w me *jadens puts his hand on ur hand* *u get butterflies* 🦋

*u guys get to a restaurant*

(Jadens insta pic):

Caption onwardjdub: y/n❤️ Onwardwanna: red heart?

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Caption onwardjdub: y/n❤️
Onwardwanna: red heart?
Jaylawaltonoffial:..still 🚢 ship
itsurgirl.y/n: ew I look so ugly
Ava: u do. Smh
Onwardjdub: stfu Ava why r u stalking my acc
*next day*
*u wake up and ur not in ur bed.*
*u turn and see jayla*
Y/n: jayla? Why am I here?

Jayla: u were out with Jaden so I had to tell ur dad u were sleeping here so he didn't know why u were so late.

Y/n: thank you sm..

Jayla: no problem I'm always here when u need me.
* u smile and get downstairs*
*ava is sitting on the couch*
Y/n: ava why the hell are u here?

Jessica: hunny don't be so rude to ava she's here to talk to Jaden

Y/n: oh not this bs again don't pretend ur sad and need someone. Look jaden and-

Ava: -wait how do u know?..
Y/n: know what..?

Ava: that me and Jaden are a thing again.

Jessica: I think u should leave ava and STAY AWAY FROM JADEN AND Y/N!

Jaden: mom what's going on?

Y/n: idk u tell me.
*jaden sees ava leaving and sees u confused and upset*

Jaden: y/n.. are u ok?

Y/n: why the hell is ava here in the same clothes from yesterday and here so early in the morning? Care to explain?

Jaden: it's not what u think

Y/n: sure so what happened..?

Jaden: I alr told u Ava's controlling she came to my house! I swear she didn't stay here I swear! Even Jessica knows that!

Jessica: it's true she knocked on the door asking for jaden.

Y/n: oh.. I'm sorry jaden.

Jaden: it's ok.. but seriously mom ava is really annoying me.

Jessica: just ignore her!

Jaden: ok..y/n u wanna go to the park?

Y/n: yesss
(Ur insta story):

Y/n: yesss(Ur insta story):

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Itsurgirl.y/n: ❤️ park w/@ onwardjdub
(987.6K likes) (2893 comments)
Onwardjdub: ❤️
Onwardwanna: y'all dating or sum?
Jaylawaltonofficial: ooo😍

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