Part 29

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*the next day at school*

Ur outfit:

Jaden: hey!

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Jaden: hey!

Ava: oh Heyy!

Jaden: uh wasn't talking to u. I was talking to y/n.

Ava: sure

Y/n: Ughh shut up alreadyyy

*u grab jadens hand and walk past her*

*ava rolls her eyes*

Jaden: so how was class

Y/n: ok I guess, u?!

Jaden: would've been better if u were there

Y/n: haha

*u guys get in jaylas car and drive back home*

Javon: so are y'all back together or is it just me who sees u two holding hands.

Jaden: I-

Y/n: yup

*jaden smiles at u*


Y/n: haha

*u walk inside and go to Jadens room*

Jaden: I think we should make it official this time, like we should tell the school. Just so people know I'm taken.

Y/n: alright!

*u and jaden film a tiktok together saying u both are dating*


It's.y/nsfan: ahhhh yesss!!

Avaesposito: not for long lmao

Other comments: yasss

*ur cuddling jaden and watching tiktok together*

Jaden: u wanna go to dinner tonight?

Y/n: r u asking me on a dateeee!

Jaden: I guesssss

*u both start laughing and u say yes*

*later at night*
*u get ready for dinner and this is what u wear*

*later at night**u get ready for dinner and this is what u wear*

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Jaden: wow..

Y/n: oh please

*jaden hands u red roses*

Y/n: aww thx babe

Jaden: no problem
*u both drive to the restaurant*

Jaden: is ur dad ok..with me and u dating. I mean every time I hear him talking about me it's always about how I'm not supposed to date u.

Y/n: I mean..he's rly overprotective I think he's so that with everyone

Jaden: oh ok

Y/n: I think he acts that way cause he knows if we break up then it'll affect his friendship with dj..

Jaden: oh ya true, that made me feel better

Y/n: why!? We're u worried

Jaden: I mean ya what if we want to have a future together.

Y/n: FUTURE!? Wdym..

Jaden: is having a future with me a problem!?!

Y/n: no I never-

Jaden: cause I wanna spend everyday with u.

Y/n: same!

*kiss him and u guys finish eating*

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