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Jaden: there! So much better
*Jaden said while looking at me put on his sweater that smelled just like him*

*Jaden approached me as I opened the door. He closed the door again and placed his hands on my hips as I laughed*

Jaden: I'm so happy..that I'm with u again. No one's every gonna replace u. We're gonna be just fine..

*U know when someone says something so many times, the words start to sound weird... "ur gonna be just fine" "just fine" "just fine"...Jadens told me that after every argument we've had. And I always believe him because I don't wanna lose him. Something about me can't live withought.*

⚠️ this isn't rly smut but if u consider kissing and touching smut then idk...Jaden and 'y/n' will be 17 in this story⚠️

Y/n: so am I..
*I said as I wrapped my hands around Jadens neck while brushing my hands through his semi-wet hair. I loved it when his hair was wet*

*Jadens face came closer to mine as we both closed our eyes and connected our lips. You would imagine that it wouldn't be so special because we'd make out so many times but I know I'd never get tired of him. He tapped my thigh so I jumped on him as he pinned me to the wall. He continued to kiss me. Then down my neck. As he stopped because his sweater was covering my collerbone. Then he started taking off his sweater off me*

Y/n: so technically u would want me to dress open?
*I said as I laughed because we had just had an argument about me wearing open clothes*
*he stopped kissing me and took a long breath before he said:*

Jaden: only if ur with me..

*and continued to kiss me down my collerbone. Jaden knew his boundaries so he didn't go too far down. He knew I was wearing a dress and he didn't want to make me feel uncomfortable. He lifted my dress a bit as he trailed his hand up and down my thighs. As he went a bit too high he lifted his head to ask for permission to continue and I just nodded*

Jaden: u sure?

⚠️ WARNING: Im 15! Irl and yes, jaden walton is '15' but in this story he's gonna be 17...if u guys don't like this then pls tell me.⚠️

*I nodded again and he took off my bottom clothes. Then placed his finger on my clit as he examined the bottom half of my body. He placed his thumb on my clit and began circling*

Jaden: do u like that ma?
*he had been using the word 'ma' a lot lately.*

Y/n: whatever
*i said as I laughed*

*Jadens finger brushed through my entrance a few times to try and tease me*

Y/n: stop teasing
*I said as I rolled my eyes*

Jaden: be patient princess
*Jaden said as he laughed*

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