Part 20

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*u and jaden walk back downstairs and sit at the dinner table*

*everyone stares at u and jaden*

Jaden: what?

Dj: why'd u both take so long..

Jaden:..well we needed to talk idk

Javon: for 20 minutes?

Y/n: i-
*u look at jaden*

*jayla and javon both yell: EWWW..u guys were totally doing itttt.

Jaden: stfu

Jessica: HEY! Language!

Josh: well this is kinda akward..
Nai: ya..

Y/n: I'm gonna go now..thx for the food!

*everyone says bye*

*u walk outside and feel a tugg on the back of ur dress*

Jaden: wait!

Y/n: oh hey Jaden!
Jaden: that was a close one..
Y/n: wdym..they know! It's so embarrassing

Jaden: doing it with me is embarrassing?
Y/n: well If ur family knows it then ya..

Jaden: wow..
Y/n: ur mad at me?

Jaden: no. Just don't know why ur embarrassed.

Y/n: sorry..jeez I mean my dads rly overprotective. And so is Jake

Jaden: Ik..but it's not a bad thing to know that we're going somewhere.

Y/n: ya

*he hugs u tight*

Jaden: love u babe

Y/n: ly too!

Javon: just kiss already omg

U and jaden: AH WTF

Y/n: we're u watching us this entire time!

Javon: yup!

Jaden: weirdo
*jaden smacks the back of Javon's head*

Jaden: cya later babe

Y/n: byee!!


*u get home and take a shower*

*u hear ur phone ringing and answer it (it's Jaden)*

Jaden: hey!**

Y/n: Heyy!!**

Jaden: what's that noice in the back??**

Y/n: oh I'm taking a shower

Jaden: lemme FaceTime u then

Y/n: hah no way

*u get out of the shower*

Jaden: soo..u wanna sleep over?

Y/n: I'll ask my dad he's been kinda awkward with me now that he knows we just did it yk..

Jaden: oh..ya. Well tell me what he says!

Y/n: ok!! Bye babe
Jaden: bye

*u hang up and get changed*

Ur outfit:

*u go to the Walton's house and walk upstairs to jadens room, u open the door and jadens standing there in his underwear*

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*u go to the Walton's house and walk upstairs to jadens room, u open the door and jadens standing there in his underwear*


Jaden: hah we're both wearing Calvin Klein!
Y/n: haha ya
*u both laugh*

Y/n: I'm kinda cold..can I have a sweater?
Jaden: ofc babe. Just don't steal all of them
*u laugh*

Y/n: no promises!!

*jaden hands u a sweater with his baseball number on it*

Y/n: aww thx
Jaden: no prob. Wanna watch something?

Y/n: ya!

*u guys watch a movie and u fall asleep on jadens shirtless chest*


**omg..she looks so hot rn..fuck but she's sleeping ugh**


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