Part 19

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                             abt what I just saw?
*u all start laughing*

Y/n: it's not what u think..we weren't gonna.

Jaden: we weren't?
Javon:..oh god I don't wanna know pls

*ur all laughing while stuffing ur face with donuts*

Jaden: javon when are u gonna leave its 11:00pm I wanna go to bed.

Javon: ur gonna sleep here again?!
Jaden: ya
Javon: least I know now to knock on ur door. Thank god u guys were just kissing

Javon: oh and hey! Ava's having a party tomorrow..Ik u guys hate Ava and so do I but all my friends are going and so are urs soo..

Y/n: ya ig I'll go then
Jaden: same but only cause ur going..
*u all start to laugh*
(Idk If that was cringe but oh well)

*javon closes the door and leaves*

Jaden: soo..where were we..
*jaden lifts his top off*

Y/n: jaden. I'm tired..
Jaden: plssss..



*next morning*

*josh knocks on the door*

Y/n: I'll get it! One sec!
Jaden: fuck..where's my shirt!!!

Y/n:..I think he heard that
*jaden opens the door and runs out*

*u laugh*
Josh: what was Jaden doing here?
Y/n: he just slept's no big deal!
Josh: hm..well if anything u know to use-
Y/n: YES DAD omlll

Y/n: I'm gonna go to the park now bye.
Josh: bye! But when u get back home we're gonna go over to the Walton's for some dinner alright?

Y/n: okkk

(I said dinner because u guys slept in lol)

*ur swinging on the swings when u see Ava with someone*

*u get closer and see that Ava and jaden are talking*

*u hear Ava say:  t- I love u too..
*u couldn't hear well*

*u run back to ur house and wipe ur tears*

Josh: hey hun get ready we're gonna go to the Walton's now!

Y/n: alr..

What u wear:


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*ur in the Walton's house with u whole fam*

*beside u on the left is Jaden and on the right is javon, jayla is sitting in front and so is ur dad, ur mom is sitting at the end and so is dj and Jessica*

Jaden: hey babe!
*u don't answer him*

Jaden: babe? Is everything ok?
*u whisper*

Y/n: I saw u at the park with Ava..and I heard what she said.

Jaden:..I don't know what u mean. Ya I was talking to her but-
Y/n: save it..we're done

Jaden: pls let me explain..
Y/n: not rn

*he grips ur thigh and pushes his hand up and down slowly going up.*

*jaden whispers*
Jaden: let's go to my room..pls
Y/n: it better be quick

*u and jaden run upstairs and lock the door*
*jaden leans in for a kiss but u back up*

Y/n: hello? I'm waiting for an explanation..

Jaden:..what do u think I told Ava
Y/n: well I heard her say "I love u too" which means u told her u love her..

Jaden: u want me to tell u everything that happened cause I will.

Y/n: sure.

Jaden: Ava asked me to meet up with her to discuss family issues and I kinda felt bad. So she was talking to me and then she leaned in for a kiss. I backed down and she told me how she loved me and I told her that i love y/n and that she loves me and then Ava said "but I love u too"..that's all that happened.

Y/n: im sry..

Jaden: rly? Show me..
Jaden: why I have a bed
*u both start laughing*

Y/n: no shit dumbass

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