Part 56

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Y/n: uhh I-
*I felt really overwhelmed at the moment. Everyone was shouting out 'give him another chance!' And I didn't know what to do so I looked at josh. He looked back at me and shook his head 'yes'. Everyone wanted me to give him another chance so I stood up and walked over to him*

Jaden: so..what do u say?

Y/n: alright...

Jaden: She said yes!!!
*Jaden said into the microphone and smiled. The assembly was over and jayla was gonna drive us all to the Walton's house*

Jayla: so u guys are officially back together?
*Jayla said while turning into the driveway*

Jaden: y/n wants to take things slower but ya
*Jaden said as he wrapped his arms around me*

Javon: hurry up Jayla I want to get inside by the time they start kissing.
*Javon said while fake vomiting and laughing*

Jaden: at least I have a girlfriend

Javon: who says I don't
*Javon said while smirking*

*jayla immediately stopped the car and chuckled*


Javon: mhm..

Jayla: SINCE WHEN!?!

Javon: since last week!

Jaden: and u didn't tell any of us?!? What the hell man
*jaden said while smacking the back of javons head while laughing*

Y/n: whats her name!

Javon: Madi! From art class

Y/n: NO WAY!!!

Jayla: u never even talk to girls...except coco. I don't even know who she is.

Javon: look coco payed me to have a 5 minute FaceTime with her. It's no big deal.

Jayla: mhm
*We all got out of the car and went inside*

Dj: it's so nice to see u y/n! U haven't came over in a while..

Jessica; we've missed u so much!
*jessica said while hugging me*

Dj: are u gonna come to Jadens baseball game tonight!?

Y/n: ya sure!

Jaden: alright! I gotta get ready
*me, jayla and Javon turned on a movie while Jaden was getting changed upstairs.*

~few hours later~

Jayla: let's get going. Jadens probably waiting for us at the game already

Javon: alright!
*we all got in the car and I got a text message from Jaden*


*I replied with a ❤️*Jaden: ❤️

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*I replied with a ❤️*
Jaden: ❤️

*we arrived shortly after Jayla started speeding on the highway to not be late*

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