Season2 - part 2 -

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*bell rings*

Jaden: fuckkk we have Mr.chris he's gonna give me a detention for something stupid.
*Jaden said as he rolled his eyes*

Y/n: ikr he's so annoying.
*I said as me and Jaden walked into English*

Mr.chris: Looks like you both are late!
*he said in an excited tone. Wtf- why's he always happy to get kids in trouble*

Jaden: ya 5 seconds late
*Jaden said as he sat down*

••• = time skip

*The rest of school went pretty well..but Jaden was acting weird today*

Javon: so..does anyone wanna go get ice cream!?

Y/n: sure!
*I said and got up from Jadens bed*

Y/n: Jaden are u coming!?

Jaden: nah
*He said as he brushed off the conversation and never left his eyes off his phone*

Y/n: Jaden is everything ok!?

Jaden: mhm..

Y/n: alright..
*I said as I closed the door to Jadens room. Jayla drove us to the ice cream store and me and Javon walked in and sat down*

Javon: I think I like someone
*Javon said in an excited tone*

Y/n: what! Rly who!?
*I asked curiously*

Javon: Bella...

Y/n: BELLA!!! The one in our GEO!

Javon: shhhh and yes...
*Javon had continued talking about Bella*

Javon: anyways! Enough about me. What's up with you and Jaden!

Y/n: I don't know..I think he's hiding something from me.

Javon: like what? Jaden would never cheat..

Y/n: I know..but still. He's been acting really weird today

Javon: hm..if anything happens lemme know

Y/n: ok
*We all finished our ice cream and I went upstairs to Jadens room. He wasn't there but his phone was buzzing like crazy. I looked at the screen and it was a Snapchat group chat named "whotflikesy/n" I opened his phone. I knew it wasn't right but it was a group chat with my name on it and Jaden never told me about it. I checked everyone in the group. There was Ava, Josh, James, Jaden, Brooke, Mia, and more. Why wasn't I added?! I clicked on the group chat and I immediately started to tear up. There were photos of me from when I was younger that I honestly used to think were kinda cute until Ava wrote under the photo "shreks twin bro" and Jaden had put the "😂" emoji. Wtf- just as I said that Jaden walked in.*

Jaden: why r u on my phone?
*He said as he grabbed it from my hand*

Y/n: ur kidding Jaden.

Jaden: what..

Y/n: oh don't pretend like u don't know what I just saw. The group chat about me.
*I said as I teared up*

Jaden: Ok? I never said anything bad about u..

Y/n: ya but u never told me about people making fun of me. Especially AVA! And then U LAUGH AT THE FACT SHES BULLYING ME!?! WHERE THE HELL DO U GET OFF!?!
*I shouted as I opened the door. Then Jaden grabbed my wrist tightly*


Jaden: no.

*I said as both me and him were crying. I pulled my hand away and ran downstairs. Then Javon got out of his room*

Javon: Y/n! Wait!
*Javon said as he chased me down the stairs as did Jaden*

*Javon shouted at him as I closed the door to there house*


Jessica: what's going on!


Jessica: JADEN! And JAVON go follow her it's dark outside!

Javon: alright!
*Javon said as he put on his shoes. And Jaden opened the door and walked out*

Javon: woah woah. Ur not going

Jaden: yes I am.

Javon: I don't think she wants to see u.

Jessica; Jaden u stay here and think about what you've done.

Jaden: FUCK
*Jaden said as he slammed his arm at the wall. And Javon walked outside in the dark*

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