Part 11 (bye LA)

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*u and jaden didn't do it lmao*

(Hii it's the author here and I just wanna say I have ⚠️never said they lost there v card but if they do later on pls don't attack me ⚠️

*u guys went back to the hotel and finished packing everything*

Jaden: goodnight babe
Y/n: goodnight!
*u fall asleep on jadens stomach*
(Next Day):
*everyone gets in the car and drives to the LAX airport in Los Angeles*

Jaden: here I'll get those bags for u
*jaden Carries ur bags*
Y/n: thx!
*u guys get in the airplane and ur seats are the same as the last flight*

Seats if u don't remember:
💺 💺
Dj Jessica
💺 💺
Jayla Kylee
💺 💺
? ?
💺 💺
Jaden y/n
*jadens head is on ur shoulder*
*u both fall asleep*
Flight attendant: Hi sry can u two wake up we've landed!

Jaden: oh sry ya
*ur still asleep*
*jaden Carrie's u into djs car*

*u guys get back to the Walton's house*

Y/n: tysm u guys this trip was so fun!
Jaden: ya it rly was..*jaden smirks at u*
Dj: anytime, we loved having u!

Y/n: I'm gonna head back home now to unpack and go to bed!

Jaden: I'll walk u home!
Everyone: bye y/n!!!

*jaden walks u home*
Jaden: bye babe ily
Y/n: bye!
*u kiss Jaden and go back inside*
*next day*

Josh: good morning hun how was Los Angeles!
Y/n: oh it was great! How was ur business trip?
Josh: boring all we did was talk about business.
Josh: did u have fun with Jaden? *he smirks*
Y/n: daddd
Josh: haha whatever I'm gonna make some dinner tonight wanna invite the Walton's?
Y/n: ya lemme go over there rn!

What ur wearing:

*u knock on the door and jaden answers*Jaden: Damn why u look so hot I wonder who u tryna impress

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*u knock on the door and jaden answers*
Jaden: Damn why u look so hot I wonder who u tryna impress..
Y/n: shut up. *u both laugh*
Y/n: is anyone here?
Jaden: no..*jaden grabs u and pulls u into his room*
Y/n: u know if u wanted to sleep with me you could've just s-

*jaden pulls u in and kisses U aggressively. His hands are placed on ur thighs and urs are on his jaw, he slips his tongue in and slightly groans. You feel his hands tugging on ur shirt indicating that he wants it off. Ur too busy making out with him that he takes ur shirt off, he starts making a trail with his mouth to ur neck slowly then to ur collarbone. U pull his shirt and he breaks the kiss aggressively taking off his shirt, 'oh is this a sight to see'. U feel his hands on ur back unclipping ur bra.*

(If this rly happening...🧠)
Jaden: it can if u want it to..
(Few hours later)

*u both lost ur v card*

(*Hii it's the author here! I've seen in many other stories people who wrote "u lost ur v card" instead of actually writing about it and I think it's better than writing about it! If u disagree and think this is wierd let me know!*)

Javon: hey guys
Jaden. Hey *jaden pants* (breathes heavily)
Javon: no way u guys totally fucked haha

Jaden: shut up
Javon: ok ok but that's not a no! I just hope u guys used protection cause I'm not ready to be an uncle..😂 *javon laughs*

*u look at jaden*

*javon leaves*
Jaden: fuck..He knows...
Y/n: do u think he's gonna tell?
Jaden: idk..I hope not
*jaden kisses u and puts a movie on*

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