Part 22

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*u walk into art with javon and Kylee*

Kylee: ugh I hate this class
*u and javon: sameee

Y/n: especially cause of ava and kayla
*javon and Kylee agree*

*javon draws a flower and Kylee draws herself, u draw a picture of u and jaden*

Javon: HAH is that supposed to be Jaden 😂

Y/n: excuseeee meee
*u all start laughing*

Ava: MISS! They're not doing there work!

Teacher: LANGUAGE!!

Javon: I can't help myself when she's an asswhole *javon rolls his eyes*
*kylee and u start dying of laughter*

Teacher: detention for all 4 of u.

Kylee: r u kidding

Teacher: no!


Ur lunch table has: jaden, javon, Kylee, jayla sometimes, and u (obv)

Javon: finally tf I'm so hungry

Y/n: I don't wanna go to detentionnnn ughhh

Jaden: same I have detention

Y/n: haha yay at least ur there

Kylee: haha same I got detention

*ur all talking when u feel a hand go on ur thigh slowly going up and down, u look up and it's Jaden.*

*u look at jaden and he smiles*

Ava: get ur hand off of her.
*she pushes jadens hand off*

Kylee: leave them alone tf just live ur own life stop worrying abt Jadens.

Ava: stfu

Y/n: u obviously don't know what that means cause u never do it.

*everyone stares at u and ava*

*everyone in the cafeteria comes up to u guys in a circle and yells*: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!

Kylee: I can't wait for this bitxh to get beat up oml

Jaden: get her babe

*everyone stares at jaden and u*

Jaden: uh..oops *he looks at u*

Y/n: lmao

Random people: OMG u guys are dating! How cute. *everyones still yelling for u to fight with Ava*

*ava pulls ur hair and u slap her, she falls to the ground wiping the blood off her nose,*

Y/n: fuck u.

*u hit her in the face and she grabs u by the leg, u get on top of her and keep hitting her. (There were times where u got his also so ur face is bleeding also*

Jaden: fuck she looks so hot rn.

Jayla: ur not gonna stop them? What if the teachers see!?

Jaden: OH YA!

Teacher: LADIES STOP!!!

*she pulls u and Ava apart*


Y/n: UGH

*ava and u walk to the office while jaden holds ur hand*

Y/n: ur gonna be late to ur last class.

Jaden: idc I'll wait here for u
Y/n: thx it won't be long I hope
*u open the doors to the office*

Jaden: bye babe
Y/n: bye!

Ava: ugh shut up already

*u walk into the office and the principle is sitting there*

Y/n: miss it-

Principle: I don't wanna hear it! U both are suspended for 2 days! I'm very disappointed this is the first day of school!

Y/n: ugh this school is bullshit

Ava: just like u. *she rolls her eyes*

Y/n: I won the first fight don't make me win again.

Ava: fuck off *u and her walk out of the office and u go to Jaden*

Jaden: how'd it go!?
Y/n: suspended.

Jaden: no way.
Y/n: ya me and her are both suspended. She didn't even let us talk

Jaden: ugh now I can't see u.

Y/n: I'll be waiting at home tho
Jaden: for how long?

Y/n: 2 days
Jaden: oh alright

*jaden gets up off the waiting chairs and hugs u, he kisses ur forehead*

Jaden: let's get u cleaned up

*jaden and u walk to the janitors closet*

Jaden: fuck ur shirts all bloody
*he takes ur shirt off*

Jaden: much better
*u laugh*

Y/n: ur turn?
*jaden takes his shirt off and cleans u up*
(U still have bruises and blood tho.)

Jaden: ly babe
*he kisses u*

Y/n: ily too
*u kiss him back*


( author here!!!: hiii sorry for not posting in 2 days!!!)

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