Part 36 (imback!)

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*u, jake, jaxon and the Walton kids are all sitting in the living room playing truth or dare when u hear someone open the door and turn around, u see dj and Jessica with a frowned face and u turn to look at jaden, jaden looks at u then looks at his parents.*

Jaden: so..if she staying?!?

Dj: well we-

Jessica: we all decided That u could stay with us! But. If u ever wanna go see ur parents u can. They're gonna buy a smaller house a few blocks away so when they come visit u guys could live there!

Y/n: omg!

Jake: what about me and jaxon?..

Dj: u could stay here whenever u want but ur gonna turn 18 soon so I think u could live in the house ur parents bought!

Jake: thank you so much but what about Jaxon..

Jaxon: ya what about me?!

Jessica: ur gonna share a room with daelo!

Daelo and Jaxon: yay!!!

*u get up and hug dj and jessica*

Y/n: thank you so much!

Jessica: no problem!

Dj: y/n would u wanna share a room with Jaden or want ur own room?

Y/n: hm I-
*jaden interrupts u*

Jaden: she'll share with me it's fine

Dj: alright! Bedtime kids tomorrow everyone's gonna help get y/n, Jack and Jaxon pack to move here!

*everyone says ok and walks upstairs, u walk into jadens room*

Jaden: so ur officially moving in with me!

Y/n: ya..

Jaden: what's wrong?!

Y/n: well what if we get in another fight. Where would I sleep

Jaden: we won't.

*jaden wraps his arm around ur wrist*

Jaden: don't worry

*u both get up and go brush ur teeth*

*u and jaden go to bed while jadens arm is wrapped around ur waist, u feel his muscly arms around u, u turn around facing him*

Y/n: can't sleep..

Jaden: me either..
*jaden moves his face closer to yours and so do u, u and jaden lean in for a kiss when u hear to little kids laughing and mumbling*

*you and Jaden look at eachother and both say at the same time*

Jaden and y/n: daelo and Jaxon!

*u get up and see both of them giggling*

Jaden: bedtime u guysss

Daelo: were u kissing y/n?

Jaxon: ewww
*they both start giggling*

Jaden: i know right so ew now get to bed gremlinssss
*jaden picks them both up and puts them to bed*

Jaden: soo..where were we

*u feel Jadens lips on urs and u lean in to kiss him, he lets go and then leans back in stopping a few times to take a deep breathe, he lifts ur shirt up and u tugg on his basically saying y want it off, jaden breaks the kiss and takes his shirt off, he leans back in but more aggressive and sloppier this time, he puts his hands on ur neck and he putting his tongue around ur lips indicating he wants to slip his tongue, he took a deep breathe and slips his tongue, he makes a trail down from ur neck to ur collerbone and takes a deep breathe, and looks up at u*

To be continuedddd 😘

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