Part 55

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*as me and josh 'my fake boyfriend' walked through the cafeteria to get to our table. Everyone looked at us. Jaden gave me a glare, I knew he was mad. Josh was one of his good friends. Anyways we sat next to Jaden and he immediately looked away*

Jayla:...soo what are ur plans for the weekend
*Jayla tried changing the subject. They were obviously talking about me and josh before we got to the table*

Y/n: idk me and josh are probably gonna hang out
*I said while wrapping my hand around Josh when I felt a hand place on my thigh. It wasn't Josh's. I turned around and looked at jaden with a 'wtf' look and he just continued to move his hand on my thigh.*

Jaden: what? Do u not like that?
*Jayla and Javon bursted there water out of there mouth as they were surprised of what Jaden had just said*

Y/n: can we talk in PRIVATE.
*I said as I placed my hand on his. To rub it off*

Jaden: fine with me
*I grabbed his hand and walked into the janitors closet*

Jaden: so what'd u want to talk about?

Y/n: what u did in the cafeteria. U have to stop. I'm over u

Jaden: oh are u?

Y/n: mhm
*I said while showing no affection as he came closer*

Jaden: u sure ur not just dating josh to get me jealous

Y/n: why? Are u jealous?

Jaden: nah

Y/n: so u wouldn't mind me full on making out with him?

Jaden: fuck. I don't get it. How the fuck have u moved on so quick

Y/n: it's easy to let someone go when they keep breaking ur heart.

Jaden: well it's not easy to let u go.

Y/n: well ur gonna have to let me go. I'm with someone else

Jaden: and? I can't make u fall in love with me again? I still love u. My parts done. All I need is to make u love me.

Y/n: u LOVE me?

Jaden: well ya. But ur dating my best friend. Honestly I'd thought u would date Javon but it looks like ur into Bestfriends other than brothers.

Y/n: Jaden.
*I said while placing my hand on his shirt*

Y/n: JJ I love u too.

Jaden: so why tf are u with Josh?

Y/n: cause I need to move on. WE both know we both need to move on. We're not good for eachother. I've gave u too many chances and u keep screwing up.

Jaden: FUCK
*Jaden said while storming out of the closet*

*I said while chasing after him*

Jaden: IF U LOVE ME. And u want to MOVE ON then why are u FOLLOWING ME. That means u still LOVE ME. So why can't we DATE?!

Y/n: I just need some time.

Jaden: fine then u shouldn't be playing with my Bestfriends heart.
*he said while walking away*

*a few hours had passed and we had an assembly ready. Everyone was in the gym and the boys in the baseball team were going to do a presentation on some memories and photos since it was the middle of the season*

Jaden: so as u may all know..
*Jaden said while clicking the unpause button on the PowerPoint video. As all his friends smiled. What was going on?*

Jaden: I was with someone I loved very much. Then I fucked up. And not only ONCE. Multiple times...I've tried apologizing but I know that won't help so..this is for u y/n.
*He said while playing the video*

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