Part 43

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*u wake up and turn to see Jaden sitting on the bed watching tv, u get up*

Jaden: goodmorning

Y/n: goodmorning, are u ok? I mean from yesterday

Jaden: I'm fine

Y/n: oh ok, we'll are u ok to go to another party tonight or nah?

Jaden: yah

Y/n: ok well just watch out for rafe alright?

Jaden: what u think he's stronger than me? Cause I definitely won the last fight

Y/n: yah Ik just saying

Jaden: if he comes near u tell me.

Y/n: alright

-I know this was a serious situation and risk for him to go but I couldn't stand jaden when he's jealous it shows how much he loves me-

*u both got dressed and put on jadens sweatshirt*

-It smells like him-

*u both walk to the kitchen while jadens arms are wrapped around ur waist and his heads resting on your shoulder*

Jayla: ur face looks better already!

Jaden: huh?

Javon: after the fight! Ur face was bleeding but it's ok now.

Jaden: oh ok

*jaden goes to the kitchen and makes a bowl of cereal for both of u*

John b: sorry there aren't many food options, all we eat is cereal rly, do u guys wanna go out? I mean we still have time for the party even though u guys woke up really late.

*everyone says yes and u all get in John bs mini van and start driving to a nice brunch (breakfast/lunch) place, jadens head resting on ur shoulder while u rest ur head on his fluffy hair*

Javon: cmon love birds were here!

*everyone gets out of the van and u all go inside* -the place looked rly nice it had big chandeliers everywhere and nice booths-

*u all sat in one booth, jaden next to u and the rest around the table*

Waiter: what can I get for u today?

*everyone takes there order except u and jaden*

Javon; stop taking so long to decide and take ur order!!!
*jayla and Kylee laugh*

Jaden: me and y/n are gonna share the big breakfast plate

Waiter: perfect! It'll be ready in a bit!

Javon: thanks!
Jayla: thanks!
Kylee: thanks!
Johnb: thanks!
Sarah: thanks!
Jj: thanks!
Kiara: thanks!
Pope; thanks!
Jaden: thanks!
Y/n: thanks!

*jaden rests his head on ur lap and looks up at u* (author: is it just me or I used to do this in restaurants with my mom 💀)

*u tilt ur head down and whisper*
Y/n: jaden we're in publi-
*jaden pulls u closer and kisses u* - i knew we were in public and everyone was staring at us but I could never resist a kiss from jaden. This kiss lasted a while until javon started throwing crayons at us-

Javon: ewww you guys are kissing

Jayla; shush Javon
*everyone laughs*

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