Chapter 2

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It's been a full week since I was betrayed and I'm still down here though none of these monster pose any threat to me any more. I tried to kill that floor boss but he was still too strong and I had to flee. Over time I found out that I can manipulate not only my claws but my tails as well, along with controlling fire and lightning. Though the element controlling still needs alot of work before I can even try to test it in a fight. If I'm gonna get stronger I need to go deeper where the monsters will get more and more dangerous.

I head down a floor and the first thing I'm met with is a hellhound trying to eat me but it was easy prey since they are similar to those salamanders on the floor above. The only bad part is that they don't roam alone like the salamanders, they travel in packs. I hear growling and look up from my meal only to see that I'm surrounded by ten more, all ready to attack in an instant.

I jump up and prepare for a long fight. I start the fight with simply using my claws and take out the two charging at me from the front immediately, then they seem to get smarter and are wary of attacking me from the front. Three leap at me from behind and I smirk showing off one of my fangs before I swipe my sharpened tails at them and dice them to pieces in an instant. The remaining five get even more wary and keep their distance while looking for a weak point in my defense but they don't find any and they group up in front of me all snarling at me so I shoot lighting out of my hand and that fries them all. Cooked food just smells delightful to me at this moment so I stop and eat a bit before they disintegrate and I grab the cores and put them in my pack before moving on and finding more and more monsters though they also don't pose a challenge to me anymore. I start to feel a little sleepy so I decide to head back to the area I set up as a home in the dungeon that all monsters fear going into since it's the area that their grim reaper sleeps, A.K.A. me. One monster made the mistake of attacking my little hole in the wall and waking me up, I believe it screamed in terror before I killed it savagely.

That's how I spent my next couple weeks with a little time taken off to train my element control on the monsters on my level, as in where my shelter/living quarters is set up. Fighting my way down as far as I could go and farming that area to get stronger and stronger. Soon enough I'd mastered my element control but I don't think I'm ready for the floor boss just yet, like I'm just shy of something that'll ensure my victory.

As I'm playing with my flames I'm thinking about my sister and hoping she's alright. I look down at my flame only to see Ais' face drawn in the flame in exact detail and holding its form. I go to touch it and it feels as solid as my daggers blade was, well before it melted. I decided to try something out and created a short sword out of fire and I wield it and feel that it's weightless before adding a bit of size to it and turning it into a greatsword and it still has no weight to it until I'm on a down swing where weight would be helpful. It's like my mind is subconsciously making it weightless until the weight is required or helpful. With this my victory is assured upon the floor boss. I also tried to do the same thing with lightning but it wouldn't cooperate so I just gave up.

I walked to the stairs leading up and pondered if I was really ready for round two against this guy or not when I decided that if I'm not ready now I'll never be ready. I walked up the stairs and went into the room but couldn't see anything, no floor boss or people who might've killed him. I was about to just head for the next floor up when something crashed behind me. I turned around and was met with a giant monster also known as the floor boss. I leaped away from him just in time to dodge his first attack and kept dodging away long enough to form my fire great sword and charging him head on. He flinched from the sudden charge as last time I did wild evasive maneuvers and did hit and runs on him so my move must've confused and shocked him which put a pause to his attacks and I swung my sword horizontally at head height for me and lopped his legs off at the knees causing him to fall over before I lopped his head off quickly before he could heal, I then cut off a chunk of meat and it cooked while I cut it off so I ate it right away. I was full after that and the body had disintegrated leaving behind its core which was about the size of my head. I picked it up and it wouldn't fit in my bag so I carried it with my tails. On top of the core I found my necklace that I thought they stole which means either they stole it and he stole it from them or It fell off of me when they were dragging me through here.

I kept walking along frying monsters with my magic until I started to get low on energy and then simply used my claws as my tails are busy. I was collecting the cores as I went and filled up my pack to the brim. When I came in I simply had medical supplies plus what I needed for a single monster repellent, but those had long run out so the only thing in my bag is magic cores from dead monsters. I did this until I hit floor nine where I found a trail of cores and started to pick them up and carry them in my hands until I found a white haired kid lying on the ground surrounded by cores. I collected those and put them in his pocket before picking him up bridal style.

As I got to the exit of the dungeon I was getting weird stares from everybody but I kept walking and eventually made it to the adventurers guild where I found Ms. Eina, the guild member assigned to me at the front desk.

"Hi Ms. Eina, it's been a while since we've seen each other." I greeted her and she looked confused. "I know it's been a while and I look a little different than last time but you should remember me, Y/N Wallenstein."

"Y/N, is that really you?" She asked shocked. "How do you have animal ears and I don't know how many tails?"

"I'll tell you after you help me deal with the kid I found unconscious on the ninth floor and help me offload the cores I collected while in the dungeon for the last three to three and a half weeks if my count is correct." I said and she looked shocked again before taking a look at the kid I'm still holding in my arms.

"Bell!" She shouted and caused him to jump awake, or jump as well as he could while being held.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I commented and he looked up into my eyes with nothing but confusion on his face while I set him on his feet.

"Who are you?" He asked after getting over his shock.

"Y/N Wallenstein at your service." I greeted playfully.

"By the way Ms. Eina, do you mind telling Loki and the rest of her Familia that I'm no longer part of their Familia as I won't stay with people who tried to kill me." I asked her and she nodded her head with a serious look on her face.

"Now that half of your request is finished where's the cores you said you had?" She asked patiently.

I took my backpack of and handed it to her before using my tails to set the big one on the desk with a thud drawing everybody's attention and they all gaped at it's size.

"No way that little girl took down something to give that big of a core." Several of them whispered.

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