Chapter 14

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I spent the last week working with Lord Takemikazuchi's Familia, four days in the dungeon one day for each member. Two of the other days I spent teaching them tips and tricks with their weapons to make fighting easier and on the final day I taught them how to fight together again with their new skills and even the captain's new ability, Battle Cry. in the end they are now level three each and a much more formidable group than they were before. They decided that they would go into the dungeon as a group today and I decided to stay behind and that they'd tell me how it went and if I needed to teach them anything else. I also needed time to learn how to use a real greatsword that has the weight at all times, though it doesn't feel like much to me.

I was in the middle of a routine I made up that would push my body to the limit to extend my stats when Lord Takemikazuchi's Familia rushed in out of breath and slightly panicking. I rushed over and immediately assessed their injuries and none of them are life threatening though they are all exhausted.

"What floor did you go to?" I asked after spotting the ash and burn marks on their clothes.

"The twenty-second, we thought we were doing good until we ran into a pack of hellhounds and tried to take them." Kashima said making me groan in annoyance. "I know you warned us about them and how dangerous they were especially in the larger packs." He said self-deprecatingly. "On our way out we ran into Bell's party and when we ran past the monsters started targeting them instead of us."

As soon as he mentioned Bell's party I was headed for the door. As I was almost out Lord Takemikazuchi blocked my path making me stare up at him.

"My Familia is in danger and as such I must go, do not make me break through a wall or window to get out because I will." I said blankly and emotionlessly, causing everybody to flinch.

"I am sending them with you, they caused this trouble so they will help sort it out." Lord Takemikazuchi said in a tone that meant that I couldn't say no so I just nodded to him in gratitude. "The other Familia's are setting up to send out their strongest remaining members to meet up with a group already in the dungeon and you and The Sword Princess were already meant to be going to go on Hestia's behalf so go join up with them." He informed me. "You'll pass by your Familia and help them and then my Familia will help them get out of the dungeon alive."

"Understood." Kashima said in a soldierlike fashion. "We'll take orders from you Y/N."

"Well then, we haven't got a second to waste." I said placing my sword on my back and headed out of the building. "How big was the group you dumped onto my Familia?"

"At least fifteen hellhounds and another ten killer bunnies and probably every salamander on the floor that wasn't already on them." Kashima answered nervously but all I did was nod and speed up.

"What floor were they on at the time?" I asked and he didn't answer but somebody else did.

"The twenty-first floor." Asuka said and I nodded.

We found a group of people at the entrance of the dungeon and joined with them. I spotted two very recognizable figures in the crowd that shouldn't be their and approached them.

"Gods and Goddesses are not allowed in the dungeon and you both know that so what are you doing?" I asked them point blank.

"There's a god here, where?" Lady Hestia asked in faux confusion.

"Don't try to play me for a fool Lady Hestia." I said to her blankly. "If this is about Bell and the rest then you should know that I'm already here with a party solely designated to getting them out of the dungeon."

"I'm still going with." Lady Hestia said and I heard the worry but also the relief in her voice.

"Fine, but both you and Lord Hermes are to stick close to me or I'm sending you both back with Lord Takemikazuchi's Familia and I'll rescue Lili and the others on my own." I responded, leaving no room for arguing.

"I'm not arguing with a little lady with a giant sword on her back, especially one with Hephaestus' signature on it, meaning Hephaestus forged that blade herself." Lord Hermes said and I smirked.

"Alright, it seems that everybody is here so lets move out!" Somebody called out and we all started moving. "Level one's to the front until you can't hold out any longer and then you head to the back and the level two's will replace you."

It was slow progress but there was nothing we could do but trust that Lili and the others could take care of themselves. I'm watching how the level one's are fighting and it's aggravating how little skill they have with their weapons but I keep my mouth shut since bringing that up would slow our progress due to the argument that would follow. Soon enough the level two's had replaced almost all of the level one's and I could see a big difference in skill between them but the monsters were stronger so they looked like level one's to the obvious eye. I could see Lady Hestia getting nervous so I placed my hand out to her and she took it with a grateful look and a smile.

"They'll be alright, they have Lili with them after all." I said reassuringly. "We're on floor fourteen so we're well over halfway to where they were last spotted."

"Level three's, get ready to replace the level two's in about two or three floors!" The person who's been organizing everything shouted and I looked to the Takemikazuchi Familia and nodded to let them know that they would be going to the front.

We went on with the level three's replacing the two's and they fought all the way through to where we found a hole through the floor and judging by the look on Kashima's face this is where they last saw Lili. I felt Lady Hestia grab onto me but I was so out of it that it could've been a monster and I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference if I couldn't see her. I heard a worried Ais pushing her way through the crowd towards us but she paused when she spotted me and Lady Hestia before she hugged us both.

"What's wrong, what's going on, why is Hestia here?" She asked worriedly while I separated myself from the hug.

"I'm not here for the clearing mission, I was on a rescue mission because Lili and the others had monsters dumped on them by Lord Takemikazuchi's Familia and this is the last place they were seen." I answered almost numbly. "Take Lady Hestia and Lord Hermes and keep them close and protect them, I'm jumping down the hole." I said much to her shock and she attempted to grab onto my arm but I was already pushing through the crowd to the hole. "If I find them I'll take them to the thirty first floor, to Rivira!"

With that I saw Ais nod to me just as I jumped into the hole and heard the Takemikazuchi Familia scream for me in fear until they spotted my wings made of fire slowing my fall to a safe pace.

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