Chapter 11

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I knocked on the closed shop door and somebody answered.

"I'm sorry, Lady Athena is busy looking for someone at the moment and the shop is closed." The boy said plainly.

"Well, if she happens to be looking for the level nine adventurer who killed the Spider Queen and its children then you can let her know that the person she's looking for is at the front door." I said and he looked shocked.

He shut the door really quickly before I heard him running and tripping, over I think everything, before he went out of range for me and about a minute later I heard somebody run into range before yelling about what a mess the place is and telling somebody to clean up before she opened the door.

"Are you the one who killed that wretched Spider Queen?" Lady Athena asked hurriedly.

"Yeah, the floor boss from the twenty-fifth floor." I answered and she nodded before waving me in and it looked like a hurricane had hit the inside of the place. "I'm here for two reasons."

"And what might those reasons be?" Lady Athena asked curiously.

"One, to find out what you wanted with me, and two, to purchase some leather or cloth armor." I answered honestly.

"What of your old armor?" She questioned. "Shouldn't you just have it repaired?"

"I don't have any old armor, I've never had armor before." I answered plainly.

"You're saying that you've gone all the way down to floor twenty-five without any armor at all?" She asked and I nodded causing her to freeze in shock.

"Though I had planned on getting armor from that shop on main street on the way but they only had heavy armor." I explained.

"What are your stats?" Lady Athena asked me curiously.

"Last time they were checked all of them were double S, except for endurance." I answered honestly. "And magic was above maxed."

"Well, you certainly have high stats compared to others." Lady Athena complimented and I just thanked her softly. "Not to mention someone so young being the strongest living adventurer."

"What did you wish to see me about?" I asked her curiously.

"I just wanted to say thank you for killing her and inform you that she shouldn't be back for about a month and it'll take her at least two years to get all her children back, making travel through floor twenty-five very easy for others as Spider Queen and her children are easily a fifty-fifth floor boss." She answered. "And you'll get your armor for free this time around as a thank you."

"Andrew, bring out what they requested in their sizes!" She ordered and the boy from before came back with Armor loaded up and dropped it on my lap. "There, that should conclude our business, I hope to see you again for business."

"Will do." I said getting up along with Liliruca. "Now lets get home since we haven't been able to get our stats checked in a while." I said and she got really excited again and dragged me towards the door. "Slow down a little so that way I can put the armor in your bag."

After that I picked her up and sped up into a full sprint much faster than she was going before, even in her excitement, and she just snuggled in and enjoyed the ride. When we entered the church we were met with impatient Familia members waiting for us.

"What are you guys here waiting for?" I asked curiously as the only one I expected to be waiting for us was Lady Hestia.

"We're waiting for Liliruca since she needs to get stronger in order to keep up but she wasn't here when we woke up." Ais answered plainly.

"Well, we were out getting weapons and armor." I explained and they nodded. "Plus we need our stats checked and were going to do so this morning but you guys were a little busy." I answered. "So yes, we were here and still asleep when you guys woke up."

"Did you get a weapon or no?" Lady Hestia asked curiously a tint of red on her cheeks from the forementioned events from this morning.

"I put in a special order with Lady Hephaestus and paid upfront so she'll forge it herself when she gets the time, and don't worry I also paid off your debt with her." I answered.

"Alright then, you two one at a time in my room so that way I can check your stats." Lady Hestia said and I sent Liliruca to go first.

After about five minutes Liliruca came out smiling really brightly before handing her paper to me.

STR C 478
AGI E 206
END E 297
MAG G 43
SPD D 369

Appearance modification
Fireball Spell
Pocket Dimension

"Nice job, you went from level one to level three in one dungeon trip." I said, causing both Bell and Ais' jaws to drop. "I guess that means it's my turn."

I followed Lady Hestia into her room where I removed my shirt with my back to her and allowed her access to it in order to check my stats. To which she just handed me the paper before passing out.

LVL 12
END SS 870

Summon and Manipulate Fire and Lightning.
Creating anything from her Fire
Mild Regeneration
Fire and Lightning Immunity
Cold Resistance
Shapeshifting (though limited to foxes)
Lightning Pulse
Lightning Dragon
Lightning Enchant
Hellhound Tamer (Allows her to summon her tamed hellhound A.K.A. Parrish)

I walked out after getting dressed, sorta stunned and that alarmed everyone.

"Lady Hestia passed out from shock." I said blankly. "I'm now level twelve with plenty of skills to take down an army on my own." As if on cue everybody but me passed out in shock. "I guess I should go update the guild of Lili and my stats."

I grabbed her paper from the ground before exiting the building and heading to the guild building. When I got there Ms. Eina's jaw dropped.

"Didn't I tell you to give the guild time to get ready for you to turn in more cores?" She asked alarmed.

"I didn't bring any cores with me this time, just my and Liliruca's updated stat sheets." I said holding up the papers before handing them to her.

"You're level twelve!" She screamed in shock.

"It's Y/N Wallenstein, and she's now level twelve." One adventurer said surprised.

"Aw man, we'll never catch up to her." Another said.

"Yeah, I guess we'll have to refocus on catching up to her sister instead." Another replied.

"Looks like I'm the center of attention again, just great." I said groaning in annoyance. "Guess I better get used to it until somebody surpasses me or I just quit adventuring."

"I guess you'd better." Ms. Eina said chuckling. "And news like this spreads fast so expect to see Mama Mia and Syr all excited next time you see them."

"Thanks for the warning." I said waving goodbye while taking the original papers back after she copied them to have a copy to file away. "See you soon."

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