Chapter 8

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Through as many floors as she could Liliruca was the clearer in order to gain experience and raise her stats. We are currently taking a break on floor seven so that way she can take a breather.

"From here on out I'll help you to kill them except hellhounds, leave those to me as they travel in packs of upwards of thirty." I said and she looked fearful. "Don't worry, they're on floor twenty-two so we've still got a long way to go to get to them." I reassured her. "Are you ready to continue on?"

"Yeah, lets go since you have a goal to hit and hopefully get back in a reasonable amount of time so we don't worry anyone." Liliruca answered with her determination back.

From then on I immobilized them and it was her job to kill them before they healed or she had to at least attempt to fight them on her own, though I would help her if she needed it. She did really good up until the seventeenth floor where she couldn't fight the creatures anymore.

"From here on you're just to pick up the cores, I don't want you getting hurt." I said and she nodded reluctantly.

"Ok, I'll do my best to watch your back for you as well." She said gently and I nodded in appreciation to the sentiment. "Lets go!"

After she cheered I accidentally chuckled and she heard it and gasped in surprise.

"Not a word of what you just heard." I said faux threatening and she seemed to know the threat was fake but went along with it. "But you're right, we should keep moving."

With that we kept clearing until we hit floor twenty and I paused before the stairs.

"This guy up ahead is fast and strong, I'd prefer you stay in the stairs until I come get you but if you do enter you must be extremely careful and always be aware of your surroundings while the boss is alive." I warn her and she nods before taking a step ahead.

"You got me this crossbow to help you and I'll use it to do just that." She said determinedly and I couldn't stop myself from thinking, cute. "Lets do this!"

We went into the room and didn't see him so I looked up and there he was so I pointed him out to Liliruca while I formed a bow and arrow with my flames before drawing back on the string.

"On three." I said and she nodded, also raising her crossbow. "One, Two, Three." With that we both fired and our arrows lodged in both of its eyes but not deep enough to kill it. "Lili jump away!"

I ordered her to jump not realizing that I had used a nickname but she froze so I tackled her out of the way just as the boss landed where we were a second ago. We both quickly recovered while the boss flailed around in a blind rage, pun intended, just trying to hit one of us. I ran in a different direction purposefully noisily while Liliruca quietly but just as quickly made her way opposite of me. When the boss charged at me I ran at him and took his legs much like I did last time but instead of me going for the kill I aided Liliruca in pushing her knife deep enough to kill it. When the boss disintegrated before our eyes Lili cheered and I hugged her in excitement before I quickly broke away with both of us blushing but both went back to celebrating.

"Liliruca, put that core in a separate pocket." I said to her and she looked shocked and like she felt betrayed. "You're turning that one in yourself and keeping the money from it."

"Really?" She asked even more shocked but the look of betrayal was gone like it was never there in the first place. "Can I really?"

"Yes, you earned it as a level one making it all the way to floor twenty." I said with a gentle smile. "Come on it's time to make it to my basecamp on floor twenty-one where I lived while trapped here because of that guy."

With that I lead us towards my old home which is still monster free aside from what looks to be an injured hellhound pup which surprised me as they should be a floor lower and why is its pack not with it?

"Don't attack it just yet." I said to Liliruca with my hand out.

I reached into my pack and took a piece of meat out and slowly approached the hellhound. Its head perked up and it growled at me but I didn't even flinch at the sound as it was too adorable. I got closer and it started whining until I offered it a piece of meat and it warily looked at it before its stomach growled. I placed the meat on the ground within reach of it and it ate it greedily so I gave it a few more pieces before I put my food away and it was full. It got up and seemed to be fully healed and happily started to bounce around Lili and I while we both laughed in excitement.

"If you stay here I'll take you with us when we leave the dungeon." I said to them and they laid down. "Are you a girl?" I asked and they whined. "Are you a boy?" As soon as I asked that he got up and started barking happily. "I'll name you Parrish."

Parrish laid down still wagging his tail happily while Liliruca and I also sat down to take a breather.

"How much you wanna bet you're level two or higher by the time we get back?" I asked her jokingly but being serious about her no longer being level one.

"Why bet on something that is certain?" Liliruca said happily. "And I owe it all to you."

She jumped up and hugged me out of the blue but I just enjoyed it. We stayed like that for a minute before we both stood up ready to continue. We went down through the floors at a moderate speed and got plenty more crystals before we stopped in front of the stairs to floor twenty-five and I turned to Liliruca.

Trigger Warning for those that have arachnophobia

She nodded before I could even ask if she was certain about coming into that room with me. We both descended and came to a room covered in cobwebs which immediately made me worried until I spotted and unlit pyre in the middle plenty big enough to cover the entire room in light when lit. I formed my bow and fired an arrow at it, immediately lighting it and regretting my action the instant I look around at the millions of glowing eyes staring at Liliruca and I. I heard noise up above and looked to see a giant spider on the ceiling and Liliruca froze in fear. The spider slowly descended until it was in the dead center of the room hanging above the fire by a thread, literally. I wasted no time in firing my arrow and slicing the string which dropped the giant spider in the giant fire and I loaded another arrow this one I charged with electricity and fired it almost directly into the heart of the spider before the other eyes started moving and revealed themselves to be thousands if not millions of spiders in the web and hidden. I immediately set the webbing on fire while I picked Lili up and carried her towards the fire in the middle with the now dead Spider Queen. I laid her down after she passed out from either fear or shock and stood over her with my sword out and tails ready and charged with lightning, I also charged my sword with lightning. It was draining on my mana quite a bit but if I don't do this I'll probably die. At least half of the spiders escaped the webbing uninjured and a small portion of the injured escaped but the rest died in the inferno that used to be their home. I fired a small fireball at the center of the ceiling and it would start to burn the webbing up there in order to give me an easier time to see how many enemies I'm dealing with.

I started swinging my sword as soon as they started to come into range and I was like a hurricane of limbs and weapon taking out spiders in directions that don't even exist until they started to bury me and I felt bite after bite and their legs were stabbing me and I screamed in pain and anger along with fear before I felt like I'd pass out from blood loss but if I did that both Lili and I would die here. In one last attempt to save us I let out a massive electrical charge and passed out.

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