Chapter 3

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We finally made it to a room and for some reason Ms. Eina wanted this Bell kid to come with. After we sat down Ms. Eina looked up at me expectantly.

"Where should I start?" I pondered aloud.

"How about with their reason for trying to kill you?" Ms. Eina suggested.

"Well, it's because I was too weak and that was their fault as I was more based towards stealth and they were much too loud so I couldn't ever fight to gain any stats or skills." I said and she nodded. "On the trip out that was meant to be solely dedicated to me getting stronger they knocked me out, tied me up, and dragged me down to floor twenty-one where they left me to die to the monsters."

"How could they do that?!" Bell said slamming his hands on the table which kicked in my instincts and I had a sharpened tail against his throat in less than a second before I calmed down.

"I'm sorry, you startled me." I apologized quietly and he nodded in understanding.

"It's alright, from what I've just heard you've been in the dungeon for almost a month alone so you'd obviously be on high alert." Bell said calmly while I removed my tail from his throat, both of us breathing a little quicker than before.

"Anyways, my new appearance is from eating monster meat to survive." I said gesturing to my ears and tail before displaying my claws. "Would you mind checking my stats for me as it's been a while since they've been checked, for obvious reasons."

"Of course." Ms. Eina said kindly so I turned my back to her while Bell left the room.

She lifted my shirt while she was checking my stats and skills and I heard her gasp in shock for whatever reason. She then handed me the paper without saying anything.

"Well damn." Was all I said when I saw the paper and I got smacked in the back of the head by Ms. Eina. "Sorry." I apologized with my ears down.

"Just make sure not to do it again, despite you having spent nearly a month in the dungeon you're still a thirteen year old kid." Ms. Eina said sadly. "Your sister left the Loki Familia as soon as she found out that they'd "killed" you."

STR SS 835
END S 734

Summon and Manipulate Fire and Lightning.
Creating anything from her Fire
Mild Regeneration
Fire and Lightning Immunity
Cold Resistance
Shapeshifting (though limited to foxes)

"But can you blame me for my reaction, cause last I knew my sister was only level five and one of the strongest adventurers if not the strongest." I say and Ms. Eina shrugs her shoulders in acceptance.

"She's still level five by the way." Ms. Eina says. "You can come back in Bell!"

Bell came back in and sat beside Ms. Eina and directly across from me.

"Your sister joined my Familia after she left Loki's." Bell says with a blush but I don't say anything. "Would you like me to take you to her?"

I nod my head and look at Ms. Eina.

"You're free to go, I'll get you set up as a member of the Hestia Familia as soon as I get out there." Ms. Eina says calmly. "Here's your bag, your money is inside it, careful it's quite heavy due to how much you've earned."

I got up and exited the room with Bell following. After we left the building I followed Bell towards the abandoned side of town and we arrived at what looked to be a newly renovated church of Hestia which makes sense since he's with the Hestia Familia. Bell went right in while I paused, nervous of what my sister will say about me since I look different, no, different is a massive understatement. I stood outside for about five minutes with my nerves getting worse by the second until Bell came back out and literally dragged me inside.

"Y/N, is it really you?" Ais asked me and her voice caused my head to snap up along with my ears. "It is you!" Ais shouted, happy with tears running down her face barreling towards me.

The shout caused my instincts to kick in so I jumped over her to dodge the attack and got ready for a fight by lengthening my claws and baring my teeth.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Ais asked. "It's me, your sister."

Her voice snapped me out of it somehow and I saw what I looked like in a mirror on the side wall by my face.

"I'm a monster now." I said in tears. "I guess that's what happens when you eat monster meat to survive."

"You're not a monster." Someone said from beside me but instead of raising alarms it soothed me. "You're a survivor."

"Look at me." I said crying. "I can't even calm myself long enough to give my sister a hug after not seeing her for nearly a month let alone talking to her because of Loki!" I shouted, more at myself than anyone else.

"What do you mean?" Ais asked confused.

"I kept trying to ask you for help to get stronger but any time I tried to approach you Loki would call you away and glare at me and mouth "useless" at me." I explained. "She knew that I was trying to get stronger but she didn't want that as she only wanted you, and if I became strong then she had a reason to keep me around."

"And the members that did that to you were probably acting on her orders." Ais said with anger clear in her voice. "Loki better watch out, because if she comes after you or me again I'll kill her, I stake my title of strongest adventurer on that."

"Are you still level five?" I asked her out of the blue and she nodded her head in confusion. "Then don't bet things you no longer have." I said jokingly with a smirk.

"Y/N, would you like to join my Familia?" Lady Hestia asked.

"It would bring me great honor to join your Familia." I said in response.

"May I check your stats and skills?" She asked gesturing to my back.

"No need, Ms. Eina just did so at the guild." I said pulling the paper out of my pack and handing it to her. "I also have plenty of money since I just cashed in a months worth of cores."

"Not to mention the one the size of your head." Bell said with a smirk.

"How are you so strong?" Lady Hestia asked in shock.

"What do you mean?" Ais asked her confused.

Lady Hestia didn't answer and instead just handed her the paper which after a few moments she then handed to Bell who simply fainted.

"I guess you were right when you said I no longer hold the title, I'm just glad that you're back in one piece." Ais said pulling me into a hug.

"Plus a few extra pieces." I said gesturing to my ears and tails. "But yeah, it's good to be back, even if I'm stuck with you and your lovers."

Ais turned a bright red and shut down while I removed myself from the hug and sat on one of the pews before leaning to the side and passing out.

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