Chapter 4

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No, this can't be happening. I was finally out so why am I back here? I've gotta get out of the dungeon again, I can't stay here. I look around and see that I'm surrounded by at least a thousand monsters if not more since I can't even see the end of the horde. I created my sword and sharpened my tails and readied for a big fight. I'm about to charge when something causes a bright flash and I have to cover my eyes if I don't want to go blind. I look around me after the flash of light disappears and all the monsters are gone, no trace of them, not even their cores. I turned around and found Lady Hestia behind me with her arms open waiting for me. I ran directly into her arms and started to sob. She just held me while rubbing my back and whispering soothing words into my ear. Soon enough the dungeon melted away and I was waking up.

I bolted awake still on the pew and I was in Lady Hestia's arms and I looked around to see the my tails had stabbed the pew I was laying on.

"Are you ok?" Lady Hestia asked me quietly.

"I was all alone again, trapped in that place." I whispered out with tears forming in my eyes. "I don't wanna be alone again."

"You won't be, and I'll make sure of it." Lady Hestia whispered into my ear softly. "You don't have to be afraid anymore, I'm here and so is Bell and Ais."

"Yeah, where's Ais?" I asked noticing my sister's absence.

"She went out to get us some food." Lady Hestia said. "Bell went to go out and test a supporter for when they go into the dungeon next for an actual money mission."

Ais' POV

I walk into Mama Mia's place and I have probably the biggest smile on my face for the first time since the Loki Familia tried to kill my sister.

"You ok there Ais?" Syr asked sounding a bit worried.

"I'm perfectly fine for the first time in almost a month." I respond with the smile never leaving my face. "Do you remember the guild's announcement about what the Loki Familia did?"

"Yeah they killed your sister by abandoning her in the dungeon." Syr said sounding sad. "She was a good kid, polite and nice as someone could be."

"She survived in the dungeon for a month on her own and she finally made it back out!" I shouted in joy.

"Really?!" Syr shouted back in shock and surprise.

"Yeah, though she looks and acts alot different then before." I said remembering how she looks and the calculative look in her eyes. "She had to eat monster meat to survive."

"Who knows what that could have done to her!" Syr shouted sounding even more worried than before.

"It changed her." I answered. "It'd be better for you to see it for yourself, she's always on high alert and she thinks she's a monster now."

At that moment the door opened slowly and warily.


I headed over to the Hostess of Fertility and when I got there I opened the door cautiously since this is or at least used to be Loki and her Familia's favorite hang out spot. When I open it I don't see the Loki Familia or the demon herself but what I do see is Syr and Ais talking by the bar. I quickly close the distance between me and Ais and damn near tackle her in a hug.

"A little bit too much force there squirt." She says with a laugh and I pout.

"Don't call me squirt second place." I said while pouting. "Syr, it's soo good to see you again."

"Right back at you little one, I'm glad you survived." Syr said with a smile. "What did you mean by second place?"

"Oh right, nobody else knows yet." Ais said. "Squirt here is now a level nine adventurer with her stats almost all at triple S." Ais answered much to everybody's shock. "Only one that falls below is her endurance but she makes up for that by having her magic almost maxed."

"Did you hear that, somebody is stronger than the sword princess." A patron said and Mama Mia came out and looked at Ais in shock.

"Is it true that your sister's back?" Mama Mia asked in a hurry, looking ready to bolt out the door to look for me.

"Ask her yourself." Ais says gesturing to me.

"Hi Mama Mia." I said waving shyly.

She leaped over the bar before picking me up in a hug. "My favorite on and off employee is back!"

"I'm your only on and off employee." I said giggling. "Doesn't change the sentiment though."

I hugged back just as tight, much to her surprise.

"You've gotten strong little one." She says surprised and happy.

"Yeah, and I think this hug just raised my endurance a bit." I said, only half joking as she's almost crushing me to death. "Do you mind putting me down?"

"Is that her, is she the level nine adventurer?" A patron asked. "No way, she's just a kid and a scrawny one at that." Another replied.

"Nope, you guessed right, my sister here is the level nine adventurer." Ais boasts proudly.

"Well if she's the sword princess' sister then she's obviously strong but who knew that she'd be stronger than the sword princess." Another patron said surprised. "All hail the Wallenstein siblings!"

At that moment the door slammed open and I spotted Bete strutting in, causing me to growl in anger.

"What's this about the Wallenstein siblings, does that mean that the weak twerp actually survived on the twenty-first floor on her own?" Bete questioned in surprise.

"How did you know the exact floor I was dropped on when nobody but those responsible know that?" I asked him with a cold and emotionless tone in my voice, eyes watching his every move.

"So you did survive, I'd recognize your scent anywhere, though the ears and tail are new." Bete said with a look between surprise and regret. "Loki was certain her plan was enough to kill you."

"So you admit that Loki gave the order for her Familia members to try and kill me?" I asked and he looked shocked. "Yes or no."

"Yes, she wanted the sword princess to be her puppet and for that to happen she couldn't have anybody else tied to her." Bete said sadly.

"Bete!" I heard a very familiar and rage triggering voice shout. "Get your ass out here you worthless dog!"

Bete went to go but I put a hand on his shoulder. He was like an older brother to me in the beginning until he started to distance himself from me. I walked forward and exited the building where Loki was waiting for Bete.

"Oh, the twerp survived." Loki said a bit shocked, with disgust radiating through her tone.

"And this twerp is curious about what the consequence is for killing a goddess." I said with a cruel smirk on my face. "If I were you I'd run."

"Like I'd run from a weak little twerp with no weapons." Loki taunted with a laugh.

I smirked at her before lengthening my claws in front of her eyes causing her to feel fear and run off rather quickly. I went back inside laughing coldly at her fear causing everybody inside to shiver a little.

"For future reference, what is the punishment for killing a god or goddess?" I asked out of curiosity and for future planning.

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