Chapter 12

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Liliruca and Bell went into the dungeon to level up together along with another dude, whale I think his name was though in my defense I haven't even met the guy yet, and they haven't returned and I've received no word about my weapon so I'm simply hanging out with Lady Hestia and Ais. Though things between Ais and I are complicated at the moment, at first she was pissed that I wasn't trusting others and then I do trust someone else and she gets pissed about it, like what am I supposed to do when all she does is glare at me and not tell me what I did to piss her off in the first place.

"Would you quit glaring at me and either tell me what I did to piss you off or get over it." I said bluntly and fed up with it. "You've been glaring at me for the past week and I'm about to move out if it continues."

"Then where would you live?" Hestia asked worriedly.

"Living on the streets is better than living with someone who seemingly hates everything about you for no reason at all." I said plainly and a bit agitatedly. "But you don't need to worry, I have enough of my own money that I could buy myself a small one bedroom house or buy enough materials and fix up one of the buildings near here for myself." I said to ease her worry. "And even if I fell short I've always got access to the dungeon to earn more money."

"You don't even care what you did wrong." Ais says sounding even more upset.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" I shouted at her. "All I've done is what I think is right and somehow that pissed you off, I admit that I was in the wrong with how I treated Lili at first but I've made up for that repeatedly!" I continued to shout. "Other than that I've done nothing wrong unless me still breathing is an issue for you, or is it me being in the same Familia because if it is then fine I'll continue to dive into the dungeon but without a Familia if that's what it will take to make you happy!"

"Please stop fighting." I heard Lady Hestia ask quietly so I shut up.

"It's the fact that you don't even trust me yet you trust Liliruca even after she tried to kill Bell, it's the fact that you don't trust Bell when he's done nothing wrong!" Ais screamed at me but I kept my mouth shut. "What the hell is wrong with you that you'll trust an attempted murderer before you'll trust someone who is completely innocent?!" She screamed her question at me, and it struck me deep that she thinks that there's something wrong with me. "Though I guess monsters should stick together after all."

"That is too far Ais!" Lady Hestia shouted. "Y/N is not a monster, she never has been and never will be one!"

I didn't stick around any longer since Ais has voiced how she truly thinks of me. I guess I was right with what I said when I first escaped the dungeon.

Bell's POV

We just got out of the dungeon and we've split our earnings of the day and we were headed our separate ways. Lili and I are headed home while Welf decided to head to his forge and do some work there. When we got there we found the place empty except for a crying Ais and that immediately rang alarms in my mind causing my to drop my pack at the door and rush to her side.

"Ais, what's wrong, where's Hestia?" I asked her worriedly.

"Y/N and I got into an argument and I went way too far." She said but that didn't truly explain what happened. "Hestia is out looking for Y/N, I said something I know I shouldn't've and I don't believe at all."

"Whatever you said can't be that bad, you're Ais one of the nicest people I've ever met." Bell said encouragingly.

"I called her a monster, her one insecurity that we know of." Ais sobbed out. "I did that to my own sister even after she asked what it would take to make me happy and said she'd even move out if that's what it took when her greatest fear is being alone again."

"You made a mistake, that just makes you human." I replied soothingly. "You know that you shouldn't've said it so I know you'll make it right with her."

"I'm gonna go out and help Lady Hestia look for her." Lili said before dropping her pack and rushing out the door.


I ran and ran all the way to the wall of the city before I started running along the wall of the city. I could feel somebody's eyes on me the entire time but I don't care. I could run for days and still be able to fight off a horde of monsters at the end of the run so what's a few people who will probably be a whole lot more exhausted than I will be?

As I'm running I notice the eyes are now in front of me and I recognize who it is, it's Syr. I stopped in front of her not really caring that I was crying since I trust her.

"What's wrong?" Syr asked confused and worried.

I didn't say anything I just fell to my knees and kept crying. I cried for I don't know how long until I heard Lili shouting my name and I looked up just in time to see Syr disappear around the corner to probably try and get some help. Another five minutes is all it took until Lili found me curled up on the ground sobbing my heart out to try and get the pain to go away. Lili rushed up to me and picked me up in her arms while I continued to sob.

I don't know how long she was carrying me for until I passed out in her arms and felt safe in doing so.

Liliruca's POV

I debated on where to go, if I bring her back to the church Ais will be all over her and that'll probably make things worse for her but if I don't then things will just be worse for everybody including her. As I'm walking I almost get run over by Lady Hestia who looks both worried and relieved.

"Where should I take her, I don't know whether to take her back to the church or somewhere else?" I asked her since she'll probably have a solution.

"I have a friend she can stay with while we sort this out, Takemikazuchi." Lady Hestia said plainly. "He's got a small but strong Familia and I'm sure he wouldn't mind allowing the strongest adventurer to stay with his Familia for a short while." I was about to ask her something but she beat me to it. "You may stay with her if you wish, but that'll make you miss out on your trips with Bell and Welf into the dungeon which could be used to gain stats to help you keep up with Y/N better in the dungeon."

"I'll stay with you at the church since I need those trips in order to ensure something like last time never happens again, I never want to be a burden to her ever again." I vowed and she lead the way towards a, not a mansion but a bigger than your average house, house.

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