Chapter 7

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When Bell and Ais got home Lady Hestia got extremely worried about him while Ais avoided my eyes and kept staring at the ground. In the end I chose to do what I always did when she refused to acknowledge my existence, I went on with life like normal. I helped Supporter Girl set up her bed before going to my own on the opposite side of the room with the pews and laid down before going to sleep.

Hestia's POV

I know something happened that nobody is telling me about and it seems to have something to do with Y/N judging by the fact that Ais is ignoring her though it seems like this is normal to Y/N. I'll have to address the issue before it turns into an even bigger problem.

"What happened that nobody's telling me about." I asked point blank to all but Y/N seeing as she's asleep.

Liliruca started us off by explaining the situation she was in and her original intentions with Bell which upset both Ais and I before I let it slide since she didn't really have much of a choice. I looked to Ais but she remained silent so I turned to a nervous Bell and smiled gently at him and he broke and started to talk.

"Y/N admitted to forcing herself to trust me only because of my relationship with Ais, she doesn't know about you and Ais or me and you yet, Ais got upset with her because of that and is now refusing to talk to her because of it." Bell spilled his guts about it. "She also called herself a monster again."

"Well then, I have a few issues to deal with." I said clapping my hands but not out of joy but disappointment. "Ais, you're in the wrong." At this her jaw dropped to the ground in shock and she went to argue but I held my hand up stopping her. "It's normal that she doesn't trust people anymore, especially not adventurers and she may not trust you anymore because of you blaming her for not trusting others anymore." I explained. "She was almost killed by her own Familia on the orders of the goddess of that Familia, we're lucky she didn't decide to forgo anything but the formalities of being in our Familia and is actually putting work into helping the Familia and getting to know Bell and I."

"But she blatantly disrespected Bell with her statement, how can you let that stand?" Ais asked me sounding upset and disappointed.

"Because she didn't disrespect him in the slightest, disrespecting someone comes from insulting them or just plain being rude or lying to them." I explained. "Y/N did none of these, she simply expressed her own feelings honestly and bluntly and you're punishing her for it."

"What about threatening Liliruca?" Ais brought up.

"First off I deserved it, second off she's more than made up for any unjust treatment she did towards me." Liliruca said butting in when her name was mentioned.

"And how did she do that?" Ais asked genuinely curious.

"She helped me when I was informing the guild of the situation between me and the other three adventurers." Liliruca answered drawing confusion to me once again. "And she also paid off my debt to the Soma Familia and I want to pay her back for that kindness."

"Our point is, sure she's a little rough around the edges but she's not in the wrong." I said summing up what has been said and what is meant by this conversation. "Sure she could be a little gentler, but she doesn't have to force herself to change for others, if they can't handle it then that is their loss." I said point blank. "She has a beautiful but damaged soul because of what happened to her, and it's not her fault and don't you ever think it is again."

"I'm gonna go get some sleep, I was up all night with her because I was too nervous to fall asleep." Liliruca said before yawning soon followed by everybody, including me.

We all went to bed, Ais, Bell, and I in the same bed in the bedroom while Y/N and Liliruca are on their makeshift beds in the common area of the church on pews rearranged to make as comfortable a bed as possible until we can get them real beds and rooms.

I awoke the next morning to the sounds of somebody getting ready and both Bell and Ais are still out cold. I slowly got up and went to where I heard the noise and found Y/N packing up.

"What going on?" I asked her gently and worriedly.

"You needn't worry, I'm not leaving the Familia." She said softly. "I'm heading into the dungeon."

"Alone?" I asked her, my worry flaring  up much higher than before.

"Well, Ais and Bell go together and after yesterday I can't trust Ais." Y/N answered honestly, still quiet to make sure she didn't wake anyone up. "The Supporter Girl I'm unsure of and I don't even know if she's strong enough to keep up with me and I don't want to risk her life when I'll be just fine on my own, I mean I was last time plus I'm going deeper and facing the floor boss on the twenty-fifth floor."

"I'm coming with." I heard Liliruca say from her bed. "And my name is Liliruca, not Supporter Girl."

"And should something go wrong are you prepared to spend weeks in the dungeon in order to escape it or die trying?" Y/N challenged.

"You saved my life and then you paid off my debt, I've got to do something to pay you back for that." Liliruca said determinedly. "So I'm going with you no matter what you say."

"Alright then, get yourself ready and we'll stop by the hostess for breakfast." Y/N said calmly and acceptingly which is the opposite of what I expected from her."


I don't know why I accepted for her to come along with me but what's done is done. We just had breakfast and now we're headed to the dungeon. I hope nothing bad happens on this trip and if it does I'll ensure Liliruca gets out even if I don't just yet. On our way I spotted a nice looking one handed crossbow that looks like it packs more of a punch than Liliruca's does so I entered the shop and purchased it along with asking if he had some light and movable armor for sale and he apologized before answering that he only has heavy armor in stock right now. I walked back out and handed Liliruca the crossbow much to her surprise and doubt.

"Are you sure you want me to have it?" She asked worriedly.

"Yes, yours isn't quite strong enough for where we're going and they don't have any elemental resistant knives or shortswords nor do they have any light armor." I answered honestly. "We'll just have to look for that stuff when we get back." I explained. "Unless you'd rather go with Bell and Ais this time around and come with me after we get the gear."

"I'm sticking with you no matter what." Liliruca says determinedly and I can't repress the gentle smile that makes its way onto my face but I quickly hide it before she can see it.

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