We're having a baby

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I pace up and down the bathroom while I wait for five minutes to pass. My phone beeps, I take a deep breath and look at the three pregnancy tests

"Princess..." I hear Amelia say

I open the bathroom door and look at my wife, a few tears slide down my cheeks and with a big smile on my face I show her the three tests


Amelia smiles and hugs me, I wrap my arms around her neck and she spins me around

"We're having a baby!" we say at the same time

The brunette kneels down, lifts my shirt and places a kiss on my stomach

"Hi little one, I'm one of your mommies. We already love you so much"
*A week later*

The door opens and Carina walks into the room

"Good morning mommies, are you ready to see your baby for the first time?"

Amelia and I nod, Carina puts on a pair of latex gloves and starts doing the ultrasound

"Let's see...everything looks good so far"

A few seconds later we hear a small thump and a few tears start sliding down my cheeks, I squeeze Amelia's hand and look at her

"That's our baby's heartbeat"

She smiles and kisses the back of my hand

"You're about six weeks along, would you like to get some pictures?"

"Yes please"

Carina leaves and comes back a few minutes later with the ultrasound pictures

"There you go, I'll see you in a few weeks for your next ultrasound"

I nod and we leave the room, I look at the ultrasound pictures and smile

"That's our baby" Amelia says

She wraps her arms around my waist and kisses me on the cheek
*Three months later*

"Good morning Y/n"

"Good morning Carina" I smile

"Where's Amelia?"

"She went to the bathroom"

The door opens and my wife walks in

"I'm here"

I lift my scrub top and the Italian doctor puts the gel on my stomach

"Let's see your baby"

She moves the probe and smiles

"Everything looks good, let's hear the heartbeat"

The sound of the baby's heartbeat fills the room and a few tears slide down my cheeks

"That's what we like to hear, do you mommies want to know the gender?" Carina asks

"We want to do a gender reveal so can you write it down and put it in an envelope?"

"Of course"

While Carina does that I wipe the gel off my stomach with a towel and pull down my scrub top


The OB/GYN hands us the envelope and Amelia puts it in the pocket of her white coat, we thank Carina and leave the room, we go to the ER and walks towards April

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