Fur babies

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I arrive at the hospital, go to the attendings lounge and change into my scrub top and pants

I go to the nurses station and one of them hands me a tablet, I open the patient's file and wait for my intern to arrive

"Doctor Y/l/n, I'm on your service today"

"Great! Let's go see our first patient" I say

We go to the patient's room and I smile when I see little Amanda

"Hey Amanda, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling good doctor Y/n"

"I'm glad to hear that"

Two minutes later Amanda's mom enters the room and sits on the chair next to the bed, while I visit the little girl I hear the unmistakable sound of little puppies barking and I smile

"Is it me or are there dogs in the hospital?" Schmitt asks

"Once a month the rescue group brings in a bunch of puppies for the kids" I tell him

"Really? Can I see them?" Amanda asks

"Of course you can"
I walk into the attendings lounge and the first thing that I see is my girlfriend lying on the couch

"Long day?"


"Wanna go see the puppies?" I ask

Amelia smiles and nods, she gets up and we go to the room where they keep the puppies

"They're so cute"

We crouch down and I let the puppies out, I start petting them and grab one

"Hey little one"

The puppy starts licking my face and I let out a giggle, I look to my left and I smile at seeing Amelia playing with the puppies, she looks at me and kisses me

"I love you" she says

"I love you too"
*A week later*

I leave the hospital and walk towards my car, I place my things on the passenger seat and as I'm about to start the car I hear a whimper, I get out of the car and kneel down

"Oh my god"

I look at the little puppy and extend my hand

"Hey little one. Come here, I won't hurt you"

The puppy comes towards me and I gently grab him, he's shaking and whimpering and I hold him against my chest

"Shh, it's okay...you're safe now"

I get in the car, wrap the puppy in a blanket and drive to the nearest vet

"Hey, I found this puppy under my car. Can you check him?"

"Of course"

Twenty minutes later the girl comes back

"He is perfectly healthy, he was just cold and scared"

I smile and nod, I pet the puppy and he wags his tail

"The puppy doesn't have a microchip, I can assume that his owner didn't want to take care of him anymore and left him on the streets"

I hate this type of people

The puppy licks my face and I let out a giggle

Amelia Shepherd imagines Where stories live. Discover now