SEVENTEEN. round five: icarly vs. do something vs. nora

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WEBICON WAS one of the biggest events for anyone on the web and this would be Do Something's first time going and the first time the trio would be traveling alone

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WEBICON WAS one of the biggest events for anyone on the web and this would be Do Something's first time going and the first time the trio would be traveling alone.

Alexa stood in the Do Something studio with Chase and Della as they were pre-packing for the trip.

"Hey, Freddie just forwarded this message to me." Chase called.

"Don't open it. It's chain mail. Once you open it your life is over." Alexa said, "More than what it already is."

"At least the person I kissed didn't kiss another person in front of me."

"And the girl you like kissed him instead of you." Alexa smiled, "I think that says enough for the both of us."

"Just open the email." Della said.

The three of them surrounded the laptop and Chase clicked play on the video message.

A girl named Nora Dershilt had appeared on their screens and had practically begged the webshow rivals to come to her birthday.

"No, she's a loser." Alexa said.

"That's not nice." Della pouted.

"I mean... she doesn't have the friendliest face." Chase said.

"Because she doesn't have friends!" Della exclaimed, "We could be her friends."

"She's friendsless in the first place, Del." Alexa said.

"Please?" Della begged, "It will take 15 minutes max."

Della wasn't taking no for answer. So, with many complaints and aggravated sighs later. The trio boarded the same train as the iCarly gang and headed to Nora Dershlit's house.

"She has a big house." Alexa said, "You know what that say about people with big houses?"


"They have bigger secrets."

Chase furrowed his brows, "No one has said that."

"You live in an apartment complex. You haven't heard anything but your fish snoring."

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