TWENTY-TWO. final round: icarly vs. do something

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GETTING OLD was never really ideal for Alexa

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GETTING OLD was never really ideal for Alexa. Of course, getting it over with was fine, but the process of getting old was too long.

But with getting older meant Alexa could further her dreams and her current one was to get into to Seattle University.

She would pace back and forth at her locker waiting for Della, Chase, and Freddie to come so she could read the various college applications and hoping it was one from her dream school.

But Freddie had been off with his robotics science club and Alexa was growing impatient.

Alexa couldn't wait any longer. She finally ripped the envelope open. She read over it carefully and smiled wide.

She had been accepted into Seattle State and accepted into their summer program.

After cheering their friend on; Alexa finally caught sight of her boyfriend and left their side to show off her acceptance letter.

She left it front of him and he held a wide smile as he read over.

"Hold on." Freddie smiled.

He pulled out what seemed to be a tablet of some sorts and Alexa turned immediately doubled over in laughter.

"What?" Freddie asked.

"What is that?" Alexa laughed.

"My mom bought me a new phone."

Alexa smiled, patting Freddie's shoulder, "She must hate you deep down."

With Alexa's acceptance letter came grave news.

She would have to up and leave for the summer program as soon as school ended for the year.

It wasn't what she was planning on so now she was cramming to do this to do before that time came.

But with that said, she had to figure out what to do with Do Something.

She loved Do Something, but she wasn't going to drag something like that through college when Della and Chase weren't tagging along with her.

✓ long story short ミ freddie benson ¹Where stories live. Discover now