ELEVEN. to kiss and not tell

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TO BE humiliated is embarrassing enough, but to be humiliated in front of millions of people was even worse

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TO BE humiliated is embarrassing enough, but to be humiliated in front of millions of people was even worse.

Though they may not happen to every person walking down the street, it just so happened to happen to Freddie Benson.

But how and why?

Well... Sam Puckett.

Freddie had pulled what seemed to be a harmless prank on Sam by handcuffing her to Gibby.

The only reason he'd done the prank in the first place was because, one, Sam put a dead fish in his locker, two, she was always bothering him. There was no harm in Freddie's prank compared to hers.

So what on earth could Sam have done to completely embarrassed Freddie in front of millions of people?

Well, the trio had started to talk about the first kisses because Sam and Carly had seen the newest movie The First Kisses.

In that conversation Freddie had revealed that he'd actually never kissed a girl to Carly while Sam been out of the room.

Only to find out that she'd been listening in the halls and what she did with that information was tell the iCarly viewers during their live webshow.

While Della and Alexa had been at the apartments they'd had been watching some cheesy movie that had been on for at least 30 minutes before Chase barged through the front door and pulled the two of them to the computer.

"Watch this." Chase said, pulling up the iCarly website.

The most viewed video had only aired less that 20 minutes ago and Chase finally showed the girls the three second clips that would "ruin Freddie's life".

"Wow." Della sighed, "That's low."

"I can't believe I kissed a girl before Freddie." Chase smiled.

Alexa scoffed, "Your mom's chest hair doesn't count."

"She got rid of her chest hair! Besides it wasn't my mom... it was Riley Jones."

"Riley Jones?" Alexa asked with furrowed brows, "The girl who burnt her eyebrows off in science?"

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